Go to Caffeine and Testing
Caffeine and Testing
A journal about software testing and Javascript.
Note from the editor

A journal about software testing and Javascript.

Go to the profile of Christopher Hiller
Christopher Hiller
Developer Advocate in IoT @ IBM, maintainer of MochaJS, lizard person. Opinions & tomfoolery my own
Go to the profile of Conrad Hollomon
Conrad Hollomon
us army veteran and opinionated technology person
Go to the profile of T.J. Maher
T.J. Maher
Sr. QA Engineer since 1996 | Automation Blogger @ tjmaher.com | Meetup Organizer, Ministry of Testing — Boston
Go to the profile of Denis Bardadym
Go to the profile of Michael Daof
Michael Daof
Let’s talk JavaScript
Go to the profile of Colin McDonald
Go to the profile of Lea Fox
Go to the profile of Jose Marmolejos
Jose Marmolejos
Full Stack Developer and poffertjes connoisseur.
Go to the profile of Hans Christian Reinl
Hans Christian Reinl
Co-host at @workingdraft Podcast, Podcast enthusiast, VPE at ProSiebenSat.1
Go to the profile of Jason Holtkamp
Go to the profile of Jhey Tompkins
Jhey Tompkins
I make awesome things for awesome people!
Go to the profile of Adrien Joly
Adrien Joly
👨‍💻 Software crafter @SHODO, legacy code / tech debt doctor (http://ajo.ovh/pro) 🥁 Drummer of “Harissa”, VR lover, music digger
Go to the profile of Samuele Resca
Go to the profile of Kevin Ennis
Kevin Ennis
Director of Engineer and founding team member @StarryInternet. Formerly @Aereo. @kevincennis on Twitter and Github. http://kevvv.in
Go to the profile of Michele Nasti
Michele Nasti
Developer, blogger, speaker @ bemind
Go to the profile of Ryan C. Collins
Ryan C. Collins
Hey, I’m Ryan! I work in the Tech industry and post content about tech, leadership, and personal finance. https://www.ryanccollins.com
Go to the profile of yolpos
Random essays of Lorenzo Puccetti, author of https://sequential.js.org/ and https://github.com/lorenzoongithub/nudge4j
Go to the profile of Ken Aguilar
Ken Aguilar
[Insert aspirational title here], Javascript/Typescript Nerd, Haskell Enthusiast