Batching Calendar Invite commands for large scale applications

Greg Hanchin
Published in
5 min readSep 12, 2022

Quick Review

Using your calendar client, invite us to your event. We send you a calendarsnack in 10 seconds.

Calendar Snack uses the calendar client and email box to deliver the interface without logins. We call this a headless design leveraging the security of your email to get access to the RSVP channels in 10 seconds.

The web service uses the data off of a calendar client when copied to an email box to generate a calendarsnack for sending calendar invites in RSVP Buttons, Landing Pages, and a Direct Calendar Invite option.

The Calendar Snack comes to the organizer’s email inbox and tracks all the organizer’s events in a reporting engine using Single Page Apps (SPA’s) to display the interface options.

We support these commands through the calendar client when creating, canceling, and updating a calendarsnack.

This post is about automating the commands for large-scale use cases we see for customer calendar invites and give you a preview into the project for 2023.

Get the PDF in details of the Batch Uploader for Calendar Invites.

Calendar Snack Commands in .CSV

All of Amanda’s calendarsnacks are in her dashboard

We automatically transform the data of the calendar client and rebuild it correctly to be resent in 3 channels currently — RSVP Buttons, Landing Pages, and VIP List — for a direct calendar invite sending.

The calendar client automation commands we support for the Calendar Snack are Create, Update and Cancel, using the IETF functions of the calendar client to manage the channels of the Calendar Snack.

We then send the recreated calendar invite and count the RSVPs from those calendar invites using the calendarsnack channels to optimize the events.

A unique feature is that we support updating the calendar client to the downstream calendar invite RSVPs.

So when you UPDATE your calendar invite in your Google or Outlook client, we send out an Updated calendar invite information to those who have said Maybe or Yes.

The benefit is the ability to use the Calendar Invite to communicate directly to the customer’s calendar with updated content like changes in time or locations without generating a new event.

We are building support to use the same COMMANDS into a.CSV file experience to provide an alternative to using the Calendar Client Interface.

Markets for this automation include manufacturing, insurance, and banking verticals for calendar invite sending and tracking for customer communications.

Sending a Direct Calendar Invite

We automated the sending of calendar invites by using a bulk address email box with a VIP List attached

The sending of calendar invites to a VIP List was a way of testing the calendarsnack service.

The intent of the VIP LIST offered in the calendarsnack is for a small batch of direct calendar invite instead of emails.

You can read more about how it was built here.

We believe there is a largely untapped market for the ability to send millions of calendar invites for industrial applications.

By the way, we have sent 1 million calendar invites with 4000 customers and have lots of great proof points.

The Batch idea hatched from the .CSV file

Using a .CSV File and a email box as an interface for the generation of calendar invites

Since we can digest a . CSV file sent to an email box, we took the idea and applied it to use the file format as a manuscript to execute the batch commands for creating, canceling, and updating.

Once it is processed, it is ready to use for sending the calendar invitations using the three calendarsnack channels of RSVP Button, Landing Page, and VIP List direct sending method.

This is the first step in building out a full set of API’s to support the industrial application use cases.

CREATE without the Calendar Client

The CREATE Command in the .CSV File format.

This command creates a Calendar Snack automatically without having to use a calendar client.

Use cases at this scale are more large volume applications like the blue ocean of the reminder market.

Think insurance policy due dates, oil changes, retail coupon offerings, or other calendar invite applications for communicating with customers or machine use cases.

CANCEL without the Calendar Client

Cancel Command Operations

CANCEL NOTIFIES your calendar invitees that have sent you back a calendar receipt of Y or M that your event has been canceled and communicates directly to the calendar client.

Update without the Calendar Client

UPDATE NOTIFIES your calendar invitees that have sent you back a calendar receipt of Y or M with the new information.

We support DATE, Time Start, Time Stop, Subject Location, Google and Zoom Meet, and Description.

Detailed Calendar Invitee Reporting for Organizer and Domains

Detailed Reporting by the @calendarsnack domain example
Detailed Reporting by Organizer within the @calendarsnack domain

Reporting is tracked by domain and by user through the current interface using the SPA’s delivered in the Calendar Snack summary reports.

Data Access will be available through AWS Quick Sight for large scale domains soon.

This technology stack will be ready in 2023 in the AWS Marketplace for download in a cloud formation with API instructions.

In interested please contact us at or hit me up on Linkedin.

Get a Calendar Snack here to see the concepts we talked in this post.

