Lifesystem: The Notion of Affordance Analysis

Oliver Ding
Published in
14 min readApr 13, 2022


How to pay attention to Human — Material Engagement?

Photo by 五玄土 ORIENTO on Unsplash

I have mentioned the Affordance Analysis Project in Knowledge Discovery: The Concept Dynamics Framework.

The Affordance Analysis Project was designed with the following two parts:

  • Empirical Analysis
  • Conceptual Analysis

The Empirical Analysis focuses on my five years of observation of my two sons’ childhood. I have been watching them for many years in various environments. They often use objects in “unofficial” ways. From the perspective of ecological psychology, they are “officially” taking affordances of objects. I took many photos to record these “creative” moments in our life.

The Concetua Analysis focuses on my reading of academic papers about the concept of Affordance since it has been influencing many psychologists, philosophers, artists, architects, designers, interaction scholars, information system researchers, etc. Many followers have been developing affordance-inspired concepts and forming a web of concepts that I called Concept Ecology.

In fact, I didn’t work on the Affordance Analysis project in 2020. You can find more details here. Today I’d like to discuss the notion of Affordance Analysis from the perspective of the Lifesystem framework.



Oliver Ding

Founder of CALL(Creative Action Learning Lab), information architect, knowledge curator.