The Project Engagement Toolkit (2021)

Oliver Ding
Published in
10 min readFeb 3, 2021


Introduce a project-oriented toolkit for theory-based reflection and beyond.

I am recently working on two frameworks that are both inspired by Activity Theory. The first one is the Life-as-Activity approach, I adopted Yrjö Engeström’s Activity Systems model (1987) which is a popular theoretical approach of Activity Theory, and Howard E. Gruber’s Evolving Systems approach to the study of creative work as major theoretical resources for discussing biographical studies. I use the terms “life”, “projects”, and “events” for the Life-as-Activity approach. The term “Project” is adopted from Gruber’s approach.

The second one is the Platform for Development (P4D) framework, I adopted Andy Blunden’s Project-oriented theoretical approach (2010, 2012, 2014) which is the newest development of Activity Theory, and James Gibson’s Ecological Psychology as major theoretical resources for discussing platform-based activities. Inspired by Ecological Psychology’s concept of Affordance, I developed a new concept called Supportance for defining Platform. By adopting the notion of “Project as a unit of Activity”, I defined a nested social structure Platform[Project(People)] as the core of the framework.

On the other side, I am also working on the Activity U project which is a knowledge curation project. The project aims to review the development of…



Oliver Ding

Founder of CALL(Creative Action Learning Lab), information architect, knowledge curator.