Activity U (VI): The Hierarchy of Human Activity and Social Practice

Oliver Ding
Published in
43 min readSep 29, 2020


Perspectives from A. N. Leontiev and others.

This article is part of a case study: Activity U. I apply the HERO U framework and Diagram U to discuss the development of a large knowledge enterprise: Activity Theory or (Cultural-historical activity theory, CHAT).

This time I will focus on a key notion of activity theory: A. N. Leontiev’s three-level hierarchical structure of activity.

If you follow this series, you may notice there is an emergent pattern in my writing: HERO — IDEA — OTHER— ECHO. Each time I focus on an activity theorist (HERO) and one related notion of activity theory (IDEA), I then expand the scope of discussion by adding related resources from other activity theorists and other disciplines (OTHER), I also share my own experience and reflection on some topics (ECHO).


0. The Landscape of Activity Theory

Part 1: Leontiev’s hierarchy of activity



Oliver Ding

Founder of CALL(Creative Action Learning Lab), information architect, knowledge curator.