How to Integrate Callingly and Process Street

Leon Klepfish
Published in
6 min readApr 16, 2019

In the fast-paced world of sales, reaching your targets and engaging them effectively is the most crucial step to getting a sale.

Once you’re in a conversation you can begin to understand their needs and probe for their pain points. It’s in this step where you can present all the qualities and strengths of your product.

But getting on that first call is a tough task.

With Callingly you can set your team up to be able to cycle through leads incredibly quickly, assigning team members to calls as an when they’re available.

You can trigger outreach from a variety of sources and approach your prospect list in a host of different ways.

In this article, we’re going to look at how you can connect Callingly via Zapier to a third party app from Zapier’s library of over 1000 different options. This helps you integrate Callingly with the tools you already use.

How to connect Callingly with Process Street

Process Street is a business process management software where you can create process templates and run these templates as checklists each time you or someone on your team needs to complete a business process.

Having effective standardized workflows and business processes across your team results in high-quality output consistently. It also allows you to optimize processes over time to raise the output of each and every team member.

Process Street can perform a range of automation duties and is helped by its integration with Zapier.

Thanks to this middleman, we can connect Process Street to Callingly to do a whole range of tasks, including:

  • Launch and assign a checklist when an inbound or outbound call has completed.
  • Start a call or update a lead when a new checklist is started.
  • Start a call or update a lead when a specific task within a checklist is completed.

For this overview, we’re going to take that last example as it shows off some of the automation potential at your fingertips.

Process Street with Callingly: Our use case

In this example we’re going to look at cold calling. In particular, how you might cold call a potential client on the basis of what priority the prospect is.

Many companies operate with an A, B, C kind of system where prospects fall into one of the three categories based on their projected value for the business.

In our example, we’re going to look at cold calling a high priority lead. For high priority options we want to spend that little bit of extra time familiarizing ourselves with the client and what they do. We want to arm ourselves with some information so that we can better engage the person on the other end of the phone.

Yet, we don’t want to spend forever researching and kill our efficiency.

That’s why we’re going to follow the Cold Calling Checklist below.

<iframe src=”" width=”100%” height=”600" frameBorder=”0"></iframe>

What we’re going to do is take the information which is entered into “Record details of the call” and pass that through to Callingly.

We’re going to trigger the zap by checking off the task: Relax for a moment — which you could change to Start the call, if you prefer.

The whole template is editable and you just need to add the template to your Process Street account in order to start using and customizing it.

So our flow becomes:

  • Do your research and record the details of the potential client
  • Check off the task to automatically begin the call
  • Walk through the rest of the checklist while on the call with the client

We could also add another automation at the end of the last task to take all the information gathered on the call from the form fields in the checklist and then pass it through to your CRM.

Of course, this process is best for high value leads as it is marginally more time intensive — prioritize your leads properly so that you’re only devoting this extra time to the businesses which are worth it!

Setting up your zap with Zapier

Each individual automation with Zapier is called a zap. To get started, simply log in and click on the big Make a Zap button.

This should take you to an editing screen where you can begin to choose how your zap will be built.

All zaps are fundamentally premised on the idea of a Trigger and an Action. One app triggers the other app to take an action; simple.

For this use case, choose Process Street as your trigger app.

Then you can define what specifically triggers the zap to fire. As you can see in the image below, we’ve set it to fire once a specific task is checked.

Then you connect your Process Street account with Zapier. If you haven’t connected one before, you find the API key in your Settings & API tab within your Process Street organization.

This takes you next to the screen to edit the options of your trigger. Here you can select which template and which task is associated with this zap.

Now you simply test your trigger set up and you’re done.

Note: When testing triggers in Zapier, make sure the platform has some data to work with. In this case, find that template in your Process Street account and run a test checklist off it. In that checklist, check off the specific task you are linking with Zapier. This provides sample data which allows Zapier to check it can find what it needs to find.

Next, add an action. Search for Callingly and select it.

Now select the specific trigger you want to use.

Now connect your Callingly account to Zapier. This should be very easy as if you already have Callingly open, Zapier will simply provide a pop-up box to confirm if you want to connect the two.

Now you get to do some of the interesting bits. If you haven’t used Zapier before, this is where the power is.

In the Edit Template screen for the Action you can configure what information you want to take and move to somewhere else.

You’ll see a range of form fields. You can import information from the trigger app into these form fields by clicking on the square button to the right of each field. This allows you to select information from the trigger to import into each field.

You can see in the image below how I’m pulling information from a previous step in our cold calling checklist into Callingly, including the name and phone number of the lead.

Once you have this all set up, you can test your whole zap in the very last step.

Again, make sure Zapier has sample data to work from and make sure you have your information correctly configured inside Callingly. If all is correct, then you should receive your phone call.

You can connect Callingly with over 1,000 different web apps and apps through Zapier using exactly the same kind of flow illustrated in this article.

What are you waiting for? Get automating!

