We are participating in Season 5 of Pomelo Campaigns

Ju Cristine
Published in
5 min readMar 22, 2023

We are participating in the Pomelo Season 5 campaign. Make from 1 EOS and contribute to the development of the roles and permissions tool. 🎉

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In this article you will find information about:

  1. Our Campaign in Pomelo
  2. Why do we fit into a public good?
  3. How to contribute?
  4. Understand about the Pomelo Campaign and how the Quadratic Fund (QF) works
  5. Updates since Pomelo campaign season 3

Pomelo opened another round of crowdfunding and we are participating with the aim of raising funds to continue the development of Roles and Permissions that we started to implement on November 24, 2021, and we have made some progress after our participation in the Pomelo Season 3 campaigns in July 2022.

It’s important to know that contributions start from 1 EOS! Every EOS donated counts and makes all the difference, as Pomelo uses a quadratic function to match donations with ENF funds (EOS Network Foundation). So, the more donors we have, the greater the contribution our project will receive from ENF.

✨ Quadratic funding values ​​the number of contributors more, not the actual amount donated. Learn more about the Quadratic Fund (QF)

🧡 Support Cambiatus: https://pomelo.io/grants/cambiatus

1. Our Campaign in Pomelo

Cambiatus is an open source platform that facilitates and allows communities and Collaborative Businesses, who seek financial resilience, to create their own complementary currencies using blockchain technology.

The functionality of roles and permissions allows Cambiatus members to be recognized from the roles they play in the community (admin, initiator, contributor, old member, new member, etc..) and, based on the classification into roles, we can also give greater permissions to members who have greater trust in the network.

The motivation for developing this feature started when we noticed the problems our communities were having with bad actors creating multiple accounts to reap invite rewards, inactive users with products that didn’t exist in the store, and spamming claims, sometimes violating the terms of a claim.

When faced with these and other situations, the first thing we thought of was banning these people and giving regular restrictive punishments, but what if we did the opposite?

🤔 What if our app could open up to users as they engage with their community?

🤔 What if we used education to guide and let people be responsible for the role each one occupies in the community based on their trajectory in it?

And we went even further when we encountered the governance needs coming from the leaders of other communities…

🤔 What if we could provide an autonomous and decentralized governance structure where people have their voting power according to their journey / involvement in the community, and not based on the most tokens they own?

🤔 What if we could provide more autonomy for communities to organize and develop based on their specific goals and actions given their context?

✨ Based on all these possibilities we would like support to develop the roles and permissions feature in order to improve the governance of communities as a whole.✨

To achieve this we propose the following steps:

  1. Provide structure for adding context/metadata to an user participation in a community. Roles will provide this, allowing users to earn or receive roles based on their history / reputation, on and off chain.
  2. Some of those achievements will provide them with permissions, effectively allowing them to “work their way” into more responsibilities and permissions on a community. This will be provided by permissions. This means certain eosio actions will only be processed by people of certain roles within the community that have the appropriate permission.
  3. After having this basic contextualization, we will create tools for decision making inside a community. This will allow users to vote and multisig with their votes and roles.
  4. From here, we will have to define what our communities need the most. Some ideas are a more refined voting system with weighted voting based on roles, exploring external reputation systems like POAPs, creating User Journeys to allow communities to promote internal learning and capacitation.

You can get more information about the motivations and planning of this feature by accessing this content: Pomelo Season 3

We’ve also created a presentation for the ENF Grant, explaining how the feature will work and plans for future developments. Unfortunately, our proposal was rejected by ENF Grant, and as we know the importance and relevance that this resource brings to our communities, we seek through this Pomelo campaign the necessary support to continue with this development.

🧡 Support Cambiatus: https://pomelo.io/grants/cambiatus

2. Why do we fit into a public good?

Cambiatus smart contracts are a public good for the EOS community. All content we release is published under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0): https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/ .

Our goal with this proposal is to continue the development of open source smart contracts that can help communities develop through education and decentralized governance.

This functionality that we are wanting to develop will be open-source and any other dapp on the EOS network will be able to use it.

✨ The simple fact that we are an open source platform means that anyone can contribute with the Cambiatus code, copy it and replicate it elsewhere, use it as a base to study, develop other software and other countless options. ✨

3. How to contribute?🧡

To contribute to our and other campaigns, you need to have a wallet to connect to the site and make your contributions using EOS.

1 — We recommend creating your account on the Anchor wallet, as it has easy integration with the website. Click here to see the tutorial we made on how to create your Anchor account from scratch.

2 — Buy EOS through the exchange you trust (we recommend Binance) and send it to your Anchor wallet using only the account name you created.

3 — After you already have your account at Anchor and already have EOS in your wallet, just access the Cambiatus campaign at Pomelo and make your contribution. Here is a video that shows how you make contributions on the Pomelo website.

If you have any questions, get in touch with us through our Telegram channel. We offer support in English, Spanish and Portuguese. 😉👍

4. Understand about the Pomelo Campaign and how the Quadratic Fund (QF) works

Pomelo is an open source crowdfunding platform that uses quadratic funding (QF) to multiply contributions, allowing people to support projects they value, as long as those projects use EOS.IO blockchain technology and benefit public interests, as is our case.

The Quadratic Fund (QF) has two main parts: (1) a crowdfunding round and (2) a large pool of funds donated by matching partners. During funding rounds, individuals support the projects they see the most value in by donating funds. Then quadratic funding is applied to allocate the matching pool based on these contributions. In this way, we see individual donations being amplified by quadratic financing, making the number of collaborators valued and not the actual amount donated.

Stay on top of Cambiatus

To learn more about our work and our communities, follow the development of Cambiatus on our Medium, our website, and subscribe to our periodic reports here.



Ju Cristine

Ux/UI Designer em expansão 💡 Interessada em novas economias, moedas sociais, blockchain e criptomoedas