Go to Cancer Research UK Tech Team Blog
Cancer Research UK Tech Team Blog
A blog from the Cancer Research UK Technology team about how becoming a more adaptable, resilient and innovative organisation is helping us ensure 3 in 4 people survive cancer by 2034.
Note from the editor

A blog from the Cancer Research UK Technology team about how becoming a more adaptable, resilient and innovative organisation is helping us ensure 3 in 4 people survive cancer by 2034.

Go to the profile of Cancer Research UK Tech Team
Go to the profile of David Adegbiyi
Go to the profile of Giulia Merlo
Giulia Merlo
Head of User Research & Design @citizensadvice | Formerly of CRUK | Co-Chair of BIMA Charities Council | Feminist, European, passionate about pizza & Beyonce
Go to the profile of Leanne Griffin
Leanne Griffin
Service Designer at Citizens Advice. Interested in how culture and technology can work for the benefit of everyone.
Go to the profile of Anne Bienia
Anne Bienia
Native German happily immigrated to the UK. Pescetarian and amateur surfer. Manage digital strategy at @CR_UK.
Go to the profile of Christina Hirst
Christina Hirst
Content Designer @ RVU
Go to the profile of Becky Colley
Becky Colley
Lead UX Consultant. Adobe UX Designer to Watch. @UserBexperience.
Go to the profile of Oliver Welch
Go to the profile of Catherine Howe
Catherine Howe
I'm all about thinking, doing, multidisciplinary practice and being kind…in a socio-technical way
Go to the profile of Rob Green
Rob Green
Innovation @CR_UK, Loves Reggae, Bikes and wants a Pig Farm
Go to the profile of Laura Morgan
Laura Morgan
Storyteller. Geeky about content, photography & speaking Chinese. Snr Content Nerd at The Economist
Go to the profile of Julia Begley
Julia Begley
Delivering Innovation, Coaching in Agile and Focusing on UX
Go to the profile of Simeron
Make yourself happy....no one's gunna do it for you ✌️
Go to the profile of J Higgins
Go to the profile of David Little
Go to the profile of Rachel Xavier
Rachel Xavier
Seamless Customer Journey Lead @Citizens Advice | BIMA award winner for Transformation and consultancy 2019 | Top 3 BAME charity leader 2019
Go to the profile of Graham Goodings
Go to the profile of Snezh Halacheva
Snezh Halacheva
Lead Service Designer at Cancer Research UK
Go to the profile of David Hughes
David Hughes
Drupal Tech Lead for CRUK Core Sites. Probably playing Animal Crossing when not doing that!
Go to the profile of Tiffany Hall
Go to the profile of Natasha Mallett
Natasha Mallett
I work in Product at Cancer Research UK. Lover of people, coffee, technology and trying to do the right thing.
Go to the profile of Connie van Zanten
Connie van Zanten
I'm a digital transformation consultant at Public Digital. I like making change possible and building happy, productive and empowered teams. @convanzan
Go to the profile of Stephen Burke
Stephen Burke
Video Producer at Cancer Research UK. Visit my portfolio: stephenburke.myportfolio.com
Go to the profile of Sumi Sastri
Sumi Sastri
I am a full-stack JavaScript developer currently levelling up AWS-skills. I code because it's fun and I am always learning.
Go to the profile of Elliot Revan