Why CANnovate: What Can Startups Gain By Participating In Our Online Accelerator?

canD - Commerce, Community, Gamification
Published in
4 min readJan 8, 2021
Visit https://cannovate.dev For More Information

CANnovate is an international online acceleration program focused on building, growing and investing in community-based startups that lack the technical resources needed to develop competitive online platforms.

With its pilot launch slated for January 31st 2021, CANnovate aims to give promising startups the technical support, business mentorship and access to investment opportunities that small businesses struggle to acquire in the beginning stages of development.

CAN is calling all entrepreneurs looking to jumpstart their startup to apply for CANnovate2021.

By participating in the pilot CANnovate2021 program, your startup has the opportunity to take advantage of great benefits associated with becoming an ally of CAN:

Exclusive Access To Features

Become an early adopter to the latest SaaS technologies with CAN.

Although the official launch of CAN Kit, CAN’s comprehensive set of SaaS tools, is planned for the second half of 2021, participating CANnovate2021 startups will be granted early access for advance support towards completion of their MVP.

If your business idea requires common features such as membership management, communication(forum, chat, direct messaging), governance structure or even an in-app economy and monetization model, these easy-to-use tools can be seamlessly integrated to provide those features to your service without your startup having to go through the time and development resources of building them from scratch.

With early access to these SaaS tools, your startup has first-mover advantage and exposure to the latest technologies in the SaaS market.

Preferred Service Subscription Fee

Additional discount to an already affordable subscription plan.

CAN recognizes the need to lower infrastructure and maintenance costs in the early stages of development and has designed a competitive pricing plan that is flexible and affordable for use of its services.

As a show of continued support, all participants of CANnovate that choose to continue use of CAN services following conclusion of the program are eligible to receive a special discounted subscription rate. This will allow your startup to be provided with key SaaS services at a fraction of the cost comparable to standard market pricing.

Built for Business & Community

Have your services developed by the hardened experience of serial entrepreneurs.

CAN Kit was designed by the founders and development team behind successful community sites Viki and Vingle. Both platforms have gone on to achieve market success and acquire millions of community members worldwide, with Viki most notably averaging 35 million active users per month. Through development of these services, the founders have studied the key requirements that must be met in order to start, run and scale sizable communities, and developed CAN Kit as an efficient way of packaging those methods for use by any startup looking to achieve the same.

By integrating these expertly crafted services to build your product and business your startup essentially would have CAN, an entire ecosystem of solutions and serial entrepreneurs, as its technical partner handling development and providing technical support. This will start your business off on a more professional and experienced footing with CAN shouldering the responsibilities of upgrades, uptime and security so you don’t have to.

Mentorship Centered Around Your Success

Receive mentorship from seasoned industry veterans and product experts.

The founders of CAN have accumulated over 50+ years of experience in internet/mobile service development and venture capital investment. With those years comes a bevy of business knowledge, insight and connections.

CANnovate participants will receive a structured mentorship program centered around developing their product, growing their community and funding their business. As an entrepreneur, you can learn from those who have been in your shoes and have walked the road to success, receive intimate insights on the business world and how you can take your startup to the next level.

CANnovate startups can have peace of mind that any technical support from CAN is provided by experts specializing in building community platforms and committed to helping other businesses succeed in building their own.

For more information on how you can apply your startup to CANnovate2021 or just information on CANnovate in general, you can check out our CANnovate FAQ (now available in Korean, English and French).

Become a CAN Ally

CAN (Community Alliance Network) is an alliance of startups and developers collectively developing SaaS tools for communities.

If you are interested in becoming a CAN Ally as a developer partner or mentor, or a startup interested in utilizing our services, please join communityalliance.network.

We look forward to building with you.



canD - Commerce, Community, Gamification
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The comprehensive set of solutions designed for creating specialized community platforms that emphasize gamification and monetization.