Water Curing Already Vaped Bud


Dry herb vaping is my favorite cannabis consumption method by far, and all of the uses of already vaped bud is a big reason why. I’ve been pretty open about the fact that my first experience eating AVB was to mix it in peanut butter and chow down, and it was one of the few times I declared myself too high to do anything. This was also memorable because of the taste of AVB, which while it can really complement some flavors, it can also be stomach-churningly unpleasant.

The process of water curing helps with both the stomach cramping issues experienced once you work up a tolerance for AVB and need to consume more of it and it vastly improves the flavor. It essentially uses the fact that cannabinoids are not water-soluble, and washes away impurities, carbon, and other nasties introduced into the bud by vaporizing. Check out the image below for what a first rinse looks like.

You know that can’t possibly taste good, and water curing will clean a lot of this out of your bud. Image Source: author.

Rinse the AVB

There are a lot of ways to accomplish this. My favorite is by using a french press. I dump my AVB into the french press, put some water in (I haven’t yet started to experiment with water temperatures of this rinse), and then stir the AVB in the water. Then, it’s a waiting game. At first, I’ll change the water relatively frequently because it gets nastiness off pretty quickly, but then I slow the frequency of water changes over the next few days. You…

