Cannabis Journalism Wrap-Up


Makayla Cisneros
Cannabis Journalism
2 min readDec 5, 2015


The wide variety of speakers gave dimension and depth to the different moving of the cannabis industry. However, I was most interested in how the speakers approached the industry from different angles and had different personal relationships with cannabis.

The backgrounds of speakers included people involved in branding, press releases, marketing, product reviewing, event planning, journalism, reporting and even baking.

The speakers brought light to how they were not only taking advantage of a new frontier and industry surfacing in several states, but how they are using media to combat perceptions about the industry.

Common themes throughout the speakers were the importance of networking, establishing relationships within the industry and branding the cannabis industry similarly to any other industry.

I found the different approaches to the industry interesting in the sense that the niches that the speakers had carved out for themselves were self-made and visionary. As an aspiring journalist I found it very inspirational to see the different ranges of success that came from having vision in a new industry.

Media Use in Class

Media platforms that were used in class included use of Twitter, Medium, Google Docs and Canvas. There were also a variety of new websites that the class were also exposed to.

I enjoyed the use of the different platforms, as a media student it’s important to keep up with the ways the media is changing online. I love that Andrew exposes his classes to different use of the media.

However, there were times it felt a bit overwhelming to keep up with all the different forms, especially given the brevity of the course.

Overall, I still found it useful to learn new things especially given how the speakers told about the importance different media platforms were in being successful in their different jobs.

In previous classes with Andrew I usually end up deleting my Twitter account afterwards, but given the overwhelming evidence of its importance, I do believe I might keep this one and begin establishing my Twitter presence.



Makayla Cisneros
Cannabis Journalism

Journalist+ University of Denver Student + lifeguard/recreation