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Cannabis Journalism
Cannabis Journalism
Teaching and Reporting About America’s New Normal
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Cannabis and College

After Amendment 64 passed in Colorado Nov. 2012, which allowed for the legalization of cannabis in Colorado, the state was…

The Farm

My alarm went off early this morning, and I stumbled out of my bed in my usual zombie-like manner to prepare for my trip to CBDRx Farms (@CBDRxFarms). I would be catching a ride an hour away in Longmont, Colorado (50 bucks or so by Uber, I don’t drive). From the street CBDRx Farms looks like any other farm, in…

Cannabis Journalism: 4

Ricardo Baca

This morning we had a long awaited visit with Ricardo Baca, who is a marijuana editor at the Denver Post and The Cannabist. All week we have heard his name through other visitors. Baca is our first speaker’s, Jake Browne, boss at the Denver…

The end of the week

Today we finished our week long journey through the class #cannabisjournalism. In my first medium post, I talked about how different things were from my expectations coming into the class. Throughout the week, things just kept breaking down my expectations. I was continuously blown away by how…