Go to CanopyLAB A/S
CanopyLAB A/S
Learning has always been social.
Note from the editor

Learning has always been social.

Go to the profile of CanopyLAB
Social network for learning. We use advanced algorithms and gamification to create completely adaptive and interactive eLearning experiences.
Go to the profile of Kim Lindgaard Jørgensen
Kim Lindgaard Jørgensen
Head of Sales and Senior Learning Consultant at CanopyLAB. Former Fellow in the American Congress. MA in Culture, Communication and Globalization.
Go to the profile of Christian Skræm Juul Jensen
Go to the profile of Christian Jensen
Christian Jensen
CTO, CanopyLAB | CanopyLAB is an educational technology company which specializes in developing learning software and online communities for corporate training.
Go to the profile of Kim Lindgaard Jørgensen
Kim Lindgaard Jørgensen
Head of Sales and Senior Learning Consultant at CanopyLAB. Former Fellow in the American Congress. MA in Culture, Communication and Globalization.
Go to the profile of Aloysius Lim
Go to the profile of Sally