CanWork — Binance Chain payments and UX upgrade complete!

Published in
5 min readMay 25, 2020

We complete Binance Chain (BEP2) payments and user experience upgrades on CanWork after successful community testing.

Binance Chain (BEP2) payments ready

On the 1st May, we launched BEP2 payments live on CanWork. Since then we have been busy testing with our community and implementing fixes & UX improvements.

CanWork is now ready for anyone to pay digital freelancers in BNB and BEP2 assets!

What’s changed since BEP2 payments went live?

Community testing highlighted minor issues with the new Binance Chain payment system that was not detected in our internal QA:

Binance Chain sequence bug. A minor bug in CanWork was failing to get the latest sequence id for a user’s wallet address which prevented consecutive WalletConnect transactions in a single session. The fix is live and working well.

Escrow API. Our custom-built BEP2 Escrow service was producing incorrect timestamps at the API endpoint which confused activity logs on the CanWork job management dashboard. This is now fixed.

We are extremely happy with the performance of the payment and escrow systems!

UX/UI Improvements

Since the core tech has been implemented we were able to blitz some UX/UI issues. The goal was to make the job creation and payment process as easy and usable as possible.

In the last 2 weeks, we have completed and closed 30+ issues relating to UX/UI bugs and improvements. Notably:

Simplified job form. A major feedback issue was the overly-complex job form. We removed several fields & mandatory requirements and improved the validation feedback. It’s now a shorter, easier form.

Clear inbox notifications. When actions are performed on CanWork, the counterparty is notified in the CanWork inbox. Previously, these notifications were generic and users did not find them helpful. Notifications now clarify the action & what is required next.

Email notifications. Similar to the notification system, users may receive emails about pending actions & requests on CanWork. We improved the email delivery settings and the quality of sent information.

Intuitive job actions. We updated job actions to be more intuitive. For example, the action to `Pay Escrow` was previously `Authorise Escrow` — a remnant of the legacy Metamask payment system — which users found awkward. We reviewed & updated all job actions for better user experience.

Improved payment selection. The Binance Chain payment selection screen was improved to include the job value, a clear cancel button that routes back to the job management page and minor formatting.

User-friendly confirmation. The final BEP2 payment confirmation modal was an unfriendly placeholder with a block of unformatted transaction details. We tidied it up and ultimately decided to hide the details by default. Users can still choose to show the details if needed before they confirm via Keystore, Ledger or WalletConnect.

✅ Many other little minor fixes based on user testing feedback.

What’s next?

Promotions strategy

CanWork is now ready for clients to pay freelancers in their choice of Binance Chain asset. We now start up our promotions strategy which begins with a crossover into client testing.

We are privileged to have some keen Binance Chain projects help us test CanWork from a client perspective. We look forward to the feedback from other developments teams in the Binance Chain ecosystem on how CanWork can meet the needs of clients more effectively.

We looking forward to sharing more in the early June update.

Features & improvements

We will continue to address our issue backlog and any feedback from Binance Chain client tests. These developments will not block our promotional efforts.

  • Job Management. One of our priorities is smoothing-out the job management dashboard experienced for easy management of jobs and payment tasks.
  • Tooltips & Guides. User feedback tells us that CanWork needs additional tools to help guide users, make them feel comfortable and provide extra information if needed. A site-wide tooltip system and user guides are some of the top priorities being considered for development in parallel to our promotional efforts.

Jobs on CanWork

We look forward to posting jobs up on CanWork for our community and new CanWorkers soon. These will most likely be tasks for development and design needs. Keep an eye out!

Thanks to all our supporters and testers!

We hope you’re as excited as we are. Binance Chain payments are here. CanWork is feeling better than ever with improved UX and there’s plenty more to come.

Importantly, we can now shift our focus to growing our userbase and spreading awareness for CanWork!

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