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Capgemini Engineering
Capgemini Engineering
Capgemini Engineering team blog: Opinions expressed on this blog reflect the writer’s views and not the position of the Capgemini Group. https://capgemini.github.io/
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A design review checklist for non‑designers

The world of web design and development has changed enormously over the course of my career so far, and mostly for the better. In some ways, building websites has become much easier. In others, it’s become far more complex. While browser support for for…

Component Based Development for the Enterprise

Recently 10 members of the Drupal development team at Capgemini went to Drupalcon Amsterdam. Having been to two Drupalcons before, I more or less knew what to expect, but something I hadn’t previously given much thought to was how big an event it…

Super, Smashing, Great in Barcelona

I’ve just come back from Smashing Conference in Barcelona and first of all, I have to thank the organisers and speakers for a great event.

Secondly, I must apologise for the terribly predictable (for British people of a certain age) title…

Considerations for a Drupal 8 upgrade

If you’re migrating from a different CMS platform, the advantages of Drupal 8 seem fairly clear. But what if you’re already on Drupal? There has been a lot of discussion in the Drupal community lately about upgrading to Drupal 8. When is the right time? Now that…