Go to Capitulo 2
Capitulo 2
Capitulo 2 is an ongoing discussion about this unique moment in history, in which each of us has a choice between a future of opportunity or one of falling in line.
Note from the editor

Capitulo 2 is an ongoing discussion about this unique moment in history, in which each of us has a choice between a future of opportunity or one of falling in line.

Go to the profile of Joey Campbell
Joey Campbell
Writer, editor and content strategy dude. All about life, money, knowledge and higher powers. https://capitulo2.co
Go to the profile of Michael Fenton
Michael Fenton
Raised in the ATL and keeping it real since ‘78, I’m a career entrepreneur, adventurer and student of the world trying to make each day better than the next.
Go to the profile of Sara Campbell
Sara Campbell
reader, writer, lover | www.tinyrevolutions.co
Go to the profile of Nora Leary
Nora Leary
Co-Founder of @LaunchwayMedia, digital & content marketer, PiLA alum, and entrepreneur currently in Medellin, Colombia. @Georgetown grad.
Go to the profile of Scott Brown
Scott Brown
Just a guy with ideas.