How immersive retail enhances shopping experiences

Cappasity Blog
Published in
4 min readMar 28, 2024


Immersive retail is a cutting-edge strategy that utilizes technology to deliver captivating, interactive, and tailored shopping experiences. It goes beyond the ‘shelf-and-aisle’ setup of traditional retail and actively involves customers in the use of digital tools. Let’s explore how immersive retail elevates shopping experiences and how to leverage it as part of your brand’s strategy with Cappasity.

What is immersive retail?

Immersive retail is designed to blend physical and online shopping experiences using technologies like 3D, AR, VR, and AI. By offering virtual try-ons for accurate sizing, personalized recommendations, and virtual in-store assistance, immersive retail provides customers with engaging and convenient shopping experiences, whether they are at home or in-store. This approach transforms how consumers interact with products and brands, enhancing their overall shopping journey.

Ways immersive retail enhances shopping:

  1. Elevates customer experience: Retailers use 3D, AR, and VR in stores to provide virtual try-on experiences, allowing customers to visualize products realistically before buying. These technologies enable interactive product demonstrations, personalized recommendations, and try-ons in virtual fitting rooms. For example, H&M’s Times Square store features smart mirrors with voice assistants offering outfit suggestions based on individual styles.
  2. Creates personalized experiences, leading to increased sales: Personalization is crucial for converting potential customers into buyers. Using AI to understand customer preferences, retailers can offer personalized suggestions. Virtual try-ons with AR help customers make faster decisions, reducing the likelihood of abandoning their shopping carts. This personalized approach often leads to increased sales.
  3. Gives brands a competitive advantage in a crowded market: For example, a clothing store offering AR-based virtual try-ons can set itself apart from the competition. Being one of the first to adopt new technologies can position a brand as a leader, giving it a valuable head start.
  4. Builds long-term relationships with customers. Immersive retail plays a crucial role in building brand loyalty by providing exceptional convenience and personalized experiences. For instance, AI can be used to deliver tailored in-store promotions through smartphones, rewarding customers for their visits and encouraging them to return for future purchases.

How to integrate immersive retail with Cappasity

Cappasity offers the first scalable solution for the fast production and easy embedding of 3D/AR content into websites, mobile apps, classifieds, and marketplaces. It includes the SaaS platform, Easy 3D Scan software for content production, and API/SDK for integration scenarios. The Cappasity platform allows clients to create, analyze, and embed immersive content.

The platform supports general content formats, including 3D models. So, if you have a ready-made 3D model of an item then you can upload it directly on the Cappasity platform with a couple of clicks. Once the 3D model is uploaded, you can embed it into your online catalog. Retailers are also able to activate the AR view for the 3D model for delivery of an AR shopping experience on their websites with our player. Mobile users can instantly launch the AR experience on their smartphones, while desktop users only need to scan the QR code leading to the AR experience. QR codes are generated automatically by the platform and don’t require any additional effort on the client’s behalf.

We’ve also developed our proprietary data format, solving the problem of fast and affordable content production. The technology allows you to create AR Holograms of items without manual 3D modeling. It’s a simple matter of shooting and processing a video with Cappasity Easy 3D Scan software. An AR Hologram is created within as little as 20 minutes, where it usually takes multiple days.

Click the “Cube” icon to activate an AR experience.

Cappasity AR Holograms provide animated views, allowing shoppers to see materials in movement and better envision how the desired items would fit. Besides e-commerce, they can also be used in brick-and-mortar stores. Retailers can print QR codes redirecting shoppers to AR Holograms and add them to item tags for the realization of an AR-based shopping experience. The consumer simply needs to scan a QR code with their smartphone to explore a whole outfit or separate items in the surrounding environment. Using AR to view fashion pieces allows consumers to get a clearer sense of their real-life appearance, enhancing the shopping experience by making it more interactive and user-friendly.

What’s more, Cappasity’s enterprise clients are provided with access to an AI-based analytical system that allows them to study consumer behavior on a website or a mobile app. For example, Cappasity AI helps brands measure consumers’ engagement — they can track all consumers’ interactions with your 3D Views, like rotating items, zooming in, etc. Cappasity AI generates a heatmap (Zoom map) for every product, illustrating each customer’s interactions with product 3D Views. You can use these heatmaps during A/B testing to improve your product packaging by comparing and analyzing the reactions of different focus groups.

To leverage immersive retail as part of your brand’s strategy, contact our team at

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