Introducing: Best Practices

Eric Kinariwala
Hello, Dear - the Capsule Blog
2 min readFeb 21, 2018

At Capsule, we’re rebuilding the pharmacy industry from the inside out because we want to make life easier and better for people when they need it most. We believe that rather than more paperwork, more hoops to jump through, and more friction, medication should come with peace of mind and the knowledge that you have control over your well-being. From the outset, our aim has been to be on your team, supporting you, and helping you understand how your medications and insurance work as you navigate your health.

In short, Capsule is built on the premise that everybody needs some looking after sometimes — and in that regard we have some incredible examples to draw from. Over the past two years, we’ve had the opportunity to work with thousands of doctors to help tens of thousands of people manage their medications. Getting to know and collaborate with these physicians has shown us on a daily basis exactly why they are the original heroes of the healthcare system.

New York City has over 50,000 physicians, and one of the many things that has impressed us is the forward-thinking mindset of that community. It’s a quality that we’ve seen among young doctors and old and at large practices and small, and it’s led us to believe that in a city known for its cutting-edge care, for some of the most modern approaches and attitudes to healthcare, we must also look to individual doctors and how they work in the day-to-day.

So today, we’re proud to launch our newest content series: Best Practices.

In a similar vein to Dear Doctor, each post will highlight a medical practice that’s setting the bar here in NYC. Be it through empathetic, high-touch care or innovative, high-tech care delivery models, these are the leaders that truly stand out.

I’m excited about the opportunity this gives us to continue creating a unique voice as a champion of doctors and consumer choice, and I look forward to sharing these stories with you here.

