Updates on Carbon Grid Protocol for May 2018

Carbon Grid Protocol
3 min readMay 15, 2018

Dear Community,

As there are several questions surrounding the latest updates on our progress and on exchange listing matters, I would like to take this opportunity to highlight the key progress for Carbon Grid Protocol and to provide more clarity.

  1. Launching of Carbon Grid Protocol

We unveiled the Carbon Grid Protocol project on 1st May, which we will be doing our Token Generation Event (TGE) on. Carbon Grid Protocol is a complementary protocol layer that works with other blockchains to account for the carbon footprint produced. As part of the protocol, Carbon Grid aims to accelerate buyers’ awareness and adoption of carbon credits.

Carbon Grid Protocol design approach

Why it matters: Our vision has not change — we are developing tools off the blockchain to combat climate change. But with more inputs we have received, we are now more focused in our scope and our place in the entire ecosystem within the blockchain space. We have been under the radar for over a month developing our product, fostering strategic partnerships, and seeking the advice from experienced industry and blockchain developers. End of the day, we want to be product-driven and to be able to deliver our promise of leveraging on the blockchain technology to create a social impact.

2. Enquiries on Exchange Listing Matters

On 29th April 2018, an official announcement from ICOMain.io, a member of the Broctagon Fintech Group, will act as the sponsor firm for Carbon Grid Protocol’s application on the Gibraltar Blockchain Exchange (GBX) Grid. We are working around the clock with ICOMain to fulfil the strict due diligence process set out by GBX Grid to complete this application, with the projection to complete this process within Q2 2018. Upon the successful application, we will make an official announcement on the dates set out for our Token Generation Event (TGE).

Carbon Grid Protocol and ICOMain met in Hong Kong on 29th April to finalise the partnership to launch token sale on GBX Grid.

Why it matters: GBX and GBX Grid is the subsidiary of the Gibraltar Stock Exchange (GSX) and employs ‘first in class’ principles to develop new industry standards with a rigorous token listing process that enhances security, credibility and transparency for all listed tokens so contributors can participate with confidence. Only 9 ICO projects will be on the GBX Grid at any point of time, which means only projects with the best quality are offered. Upon a successful listing on the GBX Grid, the ICO project will also be listed on the secondary exchange on GBX, which has a strategic partnership with Japan-based QUOINE.

3. Carbon Grid Protocol at UN Climate Change Conference in Bonn, Germany

On 6th May, our Environmental Chief Officer, Mr. Matthias Gelber, represented New Era Energy at the UN Climate Change Conference on Blockchain and at the Climate Chain Coalition Press Conference. Matthias shared with the press and audience present on the opportunities of how blockchain can be used to mobilise and incentivise climate friendly behaviour.

Our ECO, Matthias Gelber and the rest of the delegation, preparing to meet the Press at World Conference Center Bonn

Why it matters: Last month, we were the first project out of Asia to be part of the Climate Chain Coalition, a blockchain initiative supported by UNFCCC. Being part of the committee has opened up doors and opportunities for more partnerships within the blockchain for climate change space, which has also largely influenced our scoping for our product development.

We will be providing more updates and announcements soon on the latest initiatives and collaborations happening. Product development has been prioritised while ensuring that TGE matters are moving in the right direction.



Carbon Grid Protocol

Tech Entrepreneur with a focus on Fintech, Clean Energy and Blockchain.