Go to CarePay
CarePay believes that mobile technology can transform healthcare financing and create access to good healthcare at lower costs.
Note from the editor

CarePay believes that mobile technology can transform healthcare financing and create access to good healthcare at lower costs.

Go to the profile of Christoph Hartmann
Christoph Hartmann
Data Scientist at CarePay
Go to the profile of M-TIBA
MTIBA is a mobile phone based health-finance platform that allows users to save for healthcare; it also integrates payments for better healthcare management.
Go to the profile of Rik de Vos
Rik de Vos
My name is Rik, a developer and designer living in The Netherlands. Currently I work for CarePay as Lead Front-End Developer. Building stuff is my hobby!
Go to the profile of Feline Welmers
Go to the profile of Rik de Vos
Rik de Vos
My name is Rik, a developer and designer living in The Netherlands. Currently I work for CarePay as Lead Front-End Developer. Building stuff is my hobby!
Go to the profile of Feline Welmers
Go to the profile of Patrick von Glehn
Patrick von Glehn
Data Scientist working for CarePay in global healthcare.
Go to the profile of Eva Nudea Hörner
Eva Nudea Hörner
Product design leader, evangelist of customer-centric innovation