Goodbye, ETH San Francisco builders! Let’s recap the biggest Ethereum hackathon of the year yet.

What was built with Cartesi tech and how we’re supporting hackers of all kinds to build.

Cartesi Foundation
6 min readNov 16, 2022


Goodbye, ETH San Francisco builders! Let’s recap the biggest Ethereum hackathon of the year yet.

It’s been a milestone year of building — not just for Cartesi’s core developers, but also for the wider Web3 community. From fearless student hackers in Boston, to the pioneering developers of LATAM, we also saw an incredible turnout in one of the tech capitals of the world, San Francisco.

We’re especially excited to see Cartesi tech gaining momentum amongst builders in the Ethereum community — at ETH Global’s San Francisco hackathon we had a record number of 9 projects submitted to our $10,000 hackathon track. Hello, new builders wanting to hack on our recently launched Testnet Alpha!

We also brought the Cartesi Hacker House to San Francisco, sponsoring 13 talented scholars from HER DAO as well as opening our doors to the Web3 community to come and connect with each other. Interested in hearing more? Keep reading!

Welcome to the Cartesi Hacker Home for scholars.

San Francisco is in the top 20 most expensive cities in the world, so for developers looking to contribute to the Ethereum ecosystem, it can be difficult to gather the means necessary to attend.

We’re passionate about making it easy for anyone to enter Web3, that’s why we opened a hacker house to provide free lodging to participating ETH San Francisco hackers. Places filled up fast and we were delighted to host 13 talented HER DAO scholars!

We were delighted to host 13 talented HER DAO scholars at ETH San Francisco 2022
We were delighted to host 13 talented HER DAO scholars at ETH San Francisco 2022!

With an impressive track record of winning hackathon bounties at previous hackathons, they continued their streak at ETH San Francisco, winning a total of 11 prizes for their submitted projects.

Let’s give a huge round of applause to the scholars — we’re proud to be a part of their journey!

Although all beds in our Scholar Hacker House were fully booked, during the day, we opened up the space to the wider Web3 community in San Francisco.

So great to welcome developers of all kinds to our Cartesi hacker home — whether to connect or build, we saw a full house at the weekend!

We saw a house absolutely packed with hackers coming to work on their hackathon project, meet other Web3 builders in the space and chat with us on how Cartesi tech can help them bring their ideas to life.

Hello, Web3 kickoff brunch.

Bringing together the Web3 community with a brunch!

To connect Web3 communities in town for ETH San Francisco, we kicked things off with brunch! Providing amazing food and drinks to get developers ready for the marathon weekend of building ahead, we loved bringing together a diverse group of developers all working to advance the Web3 movement and see hackathon teams beginning to form and strengthen.

Core Developer Gabriel gave an early onboarding to Cartesi technology.

For the Cartesi-enthusiasts and Cartesi-curious amongst our brunch attendees, Core Developer Gabriel gave an early onboarding to our tech. From an overview of Cartesi technology to sharing use-cases to ignite inspiration, we loved seeing how engaged the group was and were impressed with the depth of everyone’s follow up questions!

R3charging the Ethereum Community.

1700 attendees from 46 countries and 284 projects submitted at ETH San Francisco 2022.

With over 1700 attendees from 46 countries and 284 projects submitted, we have to give a huge thanks to the ETH Global team for organizing this mammoth hackathon! The Palace of Fine Arts was certainly a buzz of energy — and we made sure that it didn’t dip by helping recharge hackers mentally and physically.

ETH San Francisco builders enjoying massage chairs at Cartesi’s R3charge station.

Whether you’re a developer or not, we’ve all experienced mental blocks brought on by lack of sleep, lack of sunlight, doubts, and time pressures. There’s so much coding, coffee, candy, chocolate, and caffeine shots you can take before your body and mind start to protest. After a successful refuel night at Hack Boston, we leveled up for ETH San Francisco with a 3-day R3charge Station!

Keeping hackers energized with a fresh juice bar.

Providing a juice bar, vitamin shots, smoothie pouches, hammocks, and massage chairs, it was amazing to see hackers coming to use our space and leave looking happy and refreshed!

Hello, next-generation DApps built with Cartesi tech.

It’s project presentation time — thank you to all the brilliant teams who submitted to our track!

With 9 projects built using Cartesi tech at ETH San Francisco, it was a tough call to decide on who would take the top spots. First, we’d like to take a moment to give a huge thank you to all developers who submitted their projects to our track!

It was wonderful to see so many different projects making use of Cartesi tech, making us incredibly excited for what’s to come as our tech, community, and ecosystem develops!

And now, let’s present the winners…

Congratulations 🥉 zaP​​

Congratulations German, Santiago, Wendy & CT!

zaP’s making smart contracts fun again, bringing autonomous triggers to the blockchain. A feat only possible because of the Cartesi Machine.

Congratulations 🥈 LIFE

Congratulations Jesse, 0xgeeb & Michael

It’s a massively multiplayer version of Conway’s Game of Life where users fight for dominance of a 1000X1000 grid. And it’s made fully on-chain using Cartesi Rollups’ large execution scope.

Congratulations 🥇 Nucleus

Congratulations WagmiFinancial

A DeFi lending protocol with a real-time risk engine — built using Cartesi Rollups. It brings sophisticated financial analytics that computes collateral risk limits on-chain with data represented within Cartesi.

For Web2 developers out there, you’ll be pleased to know that Nucleus’ DeFi lending protocol and financial analytics were coded in Python and run on a Linux Virtual Machine on Cartesi. So if you’re looking for an easy entry into Web3 — come and explore Cartesi tech!

That rounds up yet another fantastic hackathon weekend with ETH Global! Thank you to everyone who participated — it was inspiring not only to see what projects were built with Cartesi tech but also the 284 projects built that weekend and added to the Ethereum ecosystem.

Want to learn more as a Web3 developer? Before the year’s end, we’re squeezing in one last awesome hackathon!

About Cartesi

The Blockchain OS is building Cartesi Rollups, a modular execution layer that elevates simple smart contracts to decentralized Linux runtimes. It allows developers to launch highly scalable rollup chains, and code decentralized logic with their favorite languages and software components.

  • Every DApp has its own high-performing rollup chain;
  • No cannibalization of resources from other DApps in Cartesi’s ecosystem;
  • No network gentrification;
  • Enable an entirely new class of DApps that currently cannot run on EVM chains;
  • Preserve the strong security guarantees of the underlying blockchain

Welcome to The Blockchain OS, home to what’s next.

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