Hello, Ethereum community! Ready for the ETH India 2022 Hackathon?

Here’s your one-stop guide to get prepared to rock Cartesi’s ETH India hackathon track!

Cartesi Foundation
4 min readNov 17, 2022


Hello, Ethereum community! We’re excited to bring Cartesi tech to Asia with ETH Global’s upcoming ETH India 2022 hackathon! So, if you’re a developer who loves to experiment with cutting edge technology and at the forefront of innovation, we’re looking forward to coming and helping you launch your beautiful, new DApps to the Ethereum ecosystem.

There’s still a chance to join us if you haven’t yet submitted an application — the extended deadline for ETH India is now November 20th. Don’t miss out on an exhilarating weekend to connect with a diverse group of future thinking innovators, the chance to push the boundaries of Web3 tech as we know it and take home huge rewards!

Application submitted and eager to get started? See how you can bring home the top reward for our track…

$10,000 in Cartesi Prizes

We’re passionate about supporting developers and encouraging creativity to blossom across the community. Our $10,000 track reward is broken down into the following:

  • 🥇 $5,000
  • 🥈 $3,000
  • 🥉 $2,000

What we’re looking for? Creativity. Scalability. Impact.

We love it when projects catch our eye with an interesting implementation and execution of Cartesi technology (check out what Frmandy created at ETH Bogotá). But that’s not all we take into account. Have an idea for an app that could transform our daily lives? An idea with immense potential impact? Something that’s never been done before? Come build it at ETH India and not only could you take home first prize in our track, but you could change the Web3 landscape as we know it.

At every hackathon we attend, it’s all about collaboration. Did you know that you don’t need to hack exclusively with us? Cartesi tech can be integrated with other projects too! At our last hackathon in San Francisco, zaP! utilized the Cartesi Machine alongside Trellor’s Optimistic Oracles and XMTP tech for on-chain messaging — winning prizes across all three tracks! Check it out:

If you join the Cartesi track, in a few months you could be prototyping DApps that bring machine learning, biometrics, smart city solutions, or fully decentralized games to blockchain. The future is limitless and it’s yours to steer!

How to Get Started With Cartesi

Did you know Cartesi tech can help you develop DApps without needing to master Solidity? With Cartesi you can build fully decentralized applications using familiar stacks and libraries — it’s all possible, no matter if you’re a first-time coder for blockchain.

A great way to start is to check out our newly revamped documentation page. Choose by role, subject matter or technology.

We also recommend taking a look at our Support Kit where you can find…

  • An awesome list of videos where devs talk about building with Cartesi tech, explain use cases, stacks used, and more.
  • Cartesi Rollups Examples ready to use, explore and inspire.
  • Resources to help you dive deeper. Hear Cartesi Core Devs talk about our technology and get an under-the-hood look at how we’re looking to empower Web2 and Web3 developers.

Let’s get going!

Need inspiration? Aside from the projects listed in our Support Kit, check out the winners from previous hackathons to get the ideas flowing:

…but be warned — the possibilities are endless!

Don’t wait until the hackathon begins on December 2nd — come make yourself at home over in our dedicated India Discord Development community today. Get a head start in finding developers to form a team with or start playing around with Cartesi tech and get direct support from our core developers:

See you at ETH India 2022!

We’re excited to build the future together! Save the date for our in-person workshop:

  • Cartesi Workshop: Friday December 2nd 2022, 05:00 PM
    In this workshop, experience what DApps of the future can look like: fully decentralized yet built with existing libraries and 30+ years of software development: Linux, Python, C++, JavaScript, Rust.

About Cartesi

The Blockchain OS is building Cartesi Rollups, a modular execution layer that elevates simple smart contracts to decentralized Linux runtimes. It allows developers to launch highly scalable rollup chains, and code decentralized logic with their favorite languages and software components.

  • Every DApp has its own high-performing rollup chain;
  • No cannibalization of resources from other DApps in Cartesi’s ecosystem;
  • No network gentrification;
  • Enable an entirely new class of DApps that currently cannot run on EVM chains;
  • Preserve the strong security guarantees of the underlying blockchain;

Welcome to The Blockchain OS, home to what’s next.

