Monthly Recap: Creepts DApp, New Frontiers & More

Colin Steil
Published in
3 min readMar 3, 2020

Thousands of players joined the fight in Creepts this month for our soft-launch and demo in the Creepts High Score Contest, followed by our full website launch and decentralized tournament kick-off on the Rinkeby Testnet.

Creepts represents an enormous leap forward for decentralized apps as it is both the first decentralized tower defense tournament game and the first DApp built and run with Cartesi’s Layer-2 infrastructure — an open-source software stack that is under active development.

For more details on what makes Creepts tick, you can check out the open-source Creepts GitHub depositories and this comprehensive technical overview. You can also play a round of Creepts on the Rinkeby Ethereum Testnet to see what all the hype is about.

In Other News

We have continued to receive positive coverage in the press:

PANews published an overview of Cartesi and Creepts, displaying how Cartesi can convince the founder of Wechat (part of Tencent) to create a DApp.

Publish0x released a comprehensive overview of Cartesi.

ChainNews and Real Satoshi announced the release of Creepts to their Chinese readers.

A New Partnership

Cartesi has partnered with Newfang, a new Decentralized Cloud Storage Platform for Web 3.0 Applications, built on EOS. Newfang is looking to integrate Cartesi’s computational layer into their storage system. In addition to expanding Cartesi’s ecosystem, this collaboration demonstrates the blockchain-agnosticism of the Cartesi engine, which is capable of supporting multiple blockchain platforms.

Design Thinking Workshop in Rio

Part of our founding and development team gathered in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil for an on-sight design-thinking workshop. These in-person workshops are extremely important for us in planning the future of Cartesi. We will continue to prioritize these workshops as we work to further develop and implement the most efficient and robust blockchain scaling and infrastructure solution possible.

