September Monthly Recap — Q3 Milestones and New Frontiers

Colin Steil
Published in
6 min readOct 1, 2020

As of 2022 Descartes has now been renamed as Cartesi Compute.

October 1st, 2020 This month, Cartesi made vigorous progress on several fronts. There are important updates covering the team’s expansion, the DApp Incubation Program, new strategic partnerships, and critical advances on development.

Q3 2020 Milestones

We are strongly committed to advancing with research, development and the innumerous possibilities that are ahead of us and of users of Cartesi’s tech. We are continually making strides towards our visions and goals. We recently released information on the Topologies of Cartesi Compute DApps, and have now launched our Proof of Stake Prototype alongside our other Q3 milestones, outlined in our recent Q3 milestones announcement.

DApp Incubation Program — Apply Now!

Cartesi launched it’s on-going DApp Incubation Program! Make sure to apply before October 12, 2020!

The Cartesi DApp Incubation Program in partnership with Gitcoin is a 3-month program that will reward the three most successful DApps with more than $80K total for building a Cartesi DApp. Cartesi is the only infrastructure that allows developers to use a Linux development environment to build DApps, thus removing the blockchain learning curve and limitations. Apply Now!

In tangent with the program, the Cartesi team also held two exciting webinars for those interested in developing on Cartesi. Make sure to check them out:

New Partnerships

The Cartesi team began it’s path towards blockchain interoperability by partnering with Binance Smart Chain (BSC) to allow advanced smart contract capabilities and massive computation for DApps atop Binance Smart Chain. Binance Smart Chain is a highly scalable blockchain that supports smart contracts and Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) programmability, featuring high TPS (transactions per second), and fast decentralized trading with low fees. Cartesi DApps can now be deployed on both Ethereum and BSC!

Cartesi is also now a member of the Blockchain Gaming Alliance. We will be strategically helping the Blockchain Gaming Alliance’s mission to raise awareness about the power of blockchain and how it can transform the video gaming industry.

Exchange Listings

Cartesi also continued it’s progress of making CTSI as accessible as possible to users around the world. CTSI was listed against it’s first fiat direct pairing on Coinone, one of the largest exchanges in South Korea. Users can now directly trade with a CTSI/KRW pair.

In addition, CTSI was also listed on additional pairs through decentralized exchanges. CTSI was listed on one of the largest DEX aggregators,, with a CTSI/USDC pairing via Mooniswap. An additional pair of CTSI/DAI was also added on Uniswap.

Welcome to the Team!

Alexander Bai (Software Engineer)

Alexander Bai is an experienced software engineer with a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science. Alexander has worked on several projects using a variety of skills — ranging from front end to back end, web applications and even mobile applications. Alexander’s focuses include React/Angular/Node.js and he is always learning new skills and technologies to be on the forefront of tech.

Bruno Maia (Head of Business Development)

Bruno Maia has more than 17 years of experience on the tech industry. He obtained both bachelor and master’s degrees in Telecommunication engineering in Brazil and started his professional carrier on one of biggest mobile operators in Brazil. After few years working, he took the challenge and moved into international consulting market, working as an independent consultant in more than 10 different countries across 3 different continents. Most of his international experience was within Qualcomm as a strategic consultant for ESG (Engineering Services Group). His interest on blockchain and crypto currencies started back on 2016, as a passionate investor and self-learner on this new industry. In 2018 he moved to Netherlands in order to officially start his carrier on blockchain industry as the Global Pre-sales Director for SW and HW verticals on Bitfury Group.

Pedro Argento (DeFi Researcher)

Pedro graduated in Electrical Engineering from PUC-Rio (Brazil), with specialization in operational research, in 2015. Pedro holds a master’s degree from PUC in Finance, with a focus on derivatives risk. Pedro has also studied artificial intelligence and data science at the General Assembly in San Francisco. In addition, he’s a founder of GoBlock, a blockchain software company mainly focused on energy markets.

Summary of Ecosystem Updates for September

Cartesi in The Media

Community Created Content

As our community continues to expand, we highlight some of the most noteworthy pieces of content created for Cartesi on a monthly basis. If you want to be featured in next month’s update, then please contact Tilia Karadjinova, Digital Marketing Manager on Telegram.

