Writing / Make Money / Partner Program

How to Make Money Writing on Medium.com in 2024

The ultimate guide for those new to writing for money online with Medium.com

Atif Sharif
Cash Flow


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How to Make Money Writing on Medium.com in 2024
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Medium.com is a popular online platform where writers can share their stories, opinions, and insights with millions of readers.

But did you know that you can also make money writing on Medium.com?

In this blog post, I will show you how to become a successful and profitable writer on Medium.com in 2024.

How Much Do Writers Make on Medium.com on Average?

According to Medium’s own data, the average earnings per story in 2023 was $29.

However, this number does not tell the whole story. The top 10% of writers earned more than $1,000 per story, while the bottom 50% earned less than $5.

This means that there is a huge gap between the most and the least successful writers on Medium.com.

The amount of money you can make on Medium.com depends on several factors, such as:

  • The quality and relevance of your content.
  • The size and engagement of your audience.
  • The number and type of stories you publish.
  • The use of features like boost, tagging, and SEO.
  • The promotion of your work on other platforms.

How Can You Become Successful on Medium.com?

To become a successful writer on Medium.com, you need to write high-quality and engaging content that attracts and retains readers.

Here are some tips on how to write articles that boost your earnings and reputation on Medium.com:

  • Write in-depth articles that provide value and insight to your readers. Avoid shallow or superficial content that does not offer anything new or useful.
  • Write about topics that are relevant and trending in your niche. Use tools like Google Trends, BuzzSumo, or Medium’s own topics page to find out what people are interested in and searching for.
  • Write with a clear and compelling voice that reflects your personality and style. Use storytelling, humor, emotion, or data to make your articles more interesting and memorable.
  • Write with a consistent and regular schedule. Publish at least one story per day, preferably more. This will help you build a loyal and engaged audience that will come back for more.
  • Write with a specific goal and call to action in mind. Whether you want to educate, entertain, persuade, or inspire your readers, make sure you have a clear purpose and message for your article. Also, include a call to action at the end of your article that encourages your readers to take action, such as subscribing, commenting, sharing, or clicking on a link.

How Can You Get Paid on Medium.com?

To get paid on Medium.com, you need to join the Medium Partner Program.

This is a program that allows writers to earn money based on the engagement of their readers.

To join the program, you need to have a Medium account and a Stripe account. You also need to agree to the Medium Partner Program Terms.

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Once you join the program, you can start earning money from your stories.

The amount of money you earn depends on how much time your readers spend reading your stories.

The more time they spend, the more money you make.

You can track your earnings and performance on your Partner Dashboard.

You can also see how much each story earns and how many views, reads, claps, and fans it gets.

You will receive your payments every month via Stripe.

What Are Medium Publications on Medium.com?

Medium publications are collections of stories curated by editors or writers around a specific topic or theme.

They are like online magazines or newspapers that feature different writers and perspectives.

Some publications are official Medium publications, such as OneZero, GEN, or Elemental.

Others are independent publications created by individual writers or groups.

Publications can help you reach a wider and more targeted audience for your stories.

They can also help you improve your writing skills and reputation by getting feedback and exposure from editors and other writers.

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To submit your stories to publications, you need to follow these steps:

  • Find a publication that matches your niche and style. You can browse through the list of publications on Medium’s homepage or use tools like TopPub.xyz to find publications that accept submissions.
  • Read the publication’s guidelines and requirements carefully. Each publication has its own rules and standards for submissions. Make sure you follow them to increase your chances of getting accepted.
  • Submit your story using the “Add to publication” button at the bottom of the editor. You can also send a draft link to the publication’s email address if they prefer that method.
  • Wait for the publication’s response. Depending on the publication, it may take from a few hours to a few weeks to hear back from them. If they accept your story, they will publish it under their name and logo. If they reject it, they will send you a message explaining why.

Top 20 Publications for Submission

These publications cover a wide range of topics, from technology and business to personal development and creative writing.

Explore them to find articles that interest you and consider submitting your own work to relevant publications to reach a larger audience on Medium.

Here is a list of 21 publications on Medium.com that accept submissions from writers.

  1. Targets
  2. OneZero
  3. Marker
  4. Forge
  5. Human Parts
  6. GEN
  7. Elemental
  8. ZORA
  9. LEVEL
  10. Heated
  11. The Startup
  12. Better Humans
  13. The Ascent
  14. Mind Cafe
  15. Data Driven Investor
  16. Towards Data Science
  17. UX Collective
  18. Writing Cooperative
  19. Art & Design
  20. Marketing and Growth Hacking

What Is the Best Day and Time for Publishing Stories on Medium.com?

There is no definitive answer to this question, as different days and times may work better for different topics, audiences, and regions.

However, some general trends and tips can help you optimize your publishing schedule for maximum reach and engagement.

According to Medium’s own data, the best days to publish stories on Medium.com are Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays.

These are the days when most readers are active and looking for content on Medium.

The worst days are Saturdays and Sundays, when most readers are busy or offline.

The best time to publish stories on Medium.com is between 9 am and 12 pm EST.

This is the time when most readers are online and ready to read.

The worst time is between 12 am and 6 am EST, when most readers are asleep or inactive.

Of course, these are only averages and may not apply to your specific situation.

You should experiment with different days and times to see what works best for your niche and audience.

You can use tools like Google Analytics, Buffer, or Medium’s own stats page to track and analyze your results.

How Does ‘Tagging’ Work on Medium.com?

Tagging is a feature that allows you to categorize your stories by adding keywords or phrases that describe them.

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For example, some of the most common tags on Medium.com are:

  • Writing
  • Life
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Self-improvement
  • Technology

Tagging helps readers find your stories by searching for topics that interest them.

Tagging also helps Medium’s algorithm recommend your stories to readers who follow similar tags or read similar stories.

To add tags to your stories, you need to follow these steps:

  • Write and publish your story as usual.
  • Click on the “…” icon at the top right corner of your story editor and select “Edit story”.
  • Scroll down to the bottom of your story editor and click on “Add tags”.
  • Type in up to five tags that best describe your story. You can use existing tags or create new ones.
  • Click on “Save” to apply the tags.

What Is SEO and How Does It Work on Medium.com?

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SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, which is the process of improving your website or content’s visibility and ranking on search engines like Google or Bing.

SEO helps you attract more organic traffic (visitors who find your website or content through search results) and increase your authority and credibility.

SEO works by following certain principles and practices that make your website or content more relevant, useful, and user-friendly for search engines and users. Some of these principles and practices are:

  • Keyword research: This is the process of finding out what words or phrases people use when they search for topics related to your website or content. You can use tools like Google Keyword Planner, Moz Keyword Explorer, Ubersuggest , Ahrefs or Semrush to find out what keywords are popular, competitive, and profitable for your niche.
  • Keyword optimization: This is the process of using your keywords strategically in your website or content’s title, URL, headings, body text, images, links, meta tags, etc. You should use your keywords naturally and moderately without overstuffing them or making them irrelevant.
  • Content quality: This is the process of creating original, relevant, and valuable content that meets the needs and expectations of your target audience. You should write with clarity, simplicity, and style; use facts, data, and sources; provide solutions, insights, and recommendations; use images, videos, charts, etc.; update and improve your content regularly.
  • Content promotion: This is the process of sharing your content with other websites, platforms, or people who can help you reach more potential readers and customers. You can use social media, email marketing, guest posting, influencer marketing, etc.; ask for feedback, comments, shares.

How to Join Medium Partner Program

Medium has become a popular platform for writers and content creators to share their work with a wide audience.

One of the benefits of publishing on Medium is the opportunity to earn money through their Partner Program.

If you’re interested in joining the Medium Partner Program and monetizing your content, follow these simple steps:

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1. Create a Medium Account:

Before you can join the Medium Partner Program, you need to have a Medium account.

If you don’t already have one, you can easily sign up for free on the Medium website.

2. Produce Quality Content:

To be eligible for the Medium Partner Program, you need to consistently produce high-quality content.

Write engaging articles that provide value to your readers and showcase your expertise on topics you’re passionate about.

3. Apply for the Partner Program:

Once you’ve established your presence on Medium and have published several articles, you can apply to join the Medium Partner Program.

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To do this, go to your Medium profile settings and navigate to the “Earnings” section.

Click on the “Apply to Partner Program” button and follow the instructions to submit your application.

4. Set Up Your Payment Information:

After applying to the Partner Program, you’ll need to set up your payment information.

This includes providing your Stripe Account Details.

5. Start Earning Money:

Once you’ve been accepted into the Medium Partner Program, you can start earning money for your content.

Medium uses a combination of member reading time and engagement to determine how much you earn for each article.

The more engaging your content is, the more you can potentially earn.

6. Promote Your Work:

To maximize your earnings on Medium, it’s important to promote your work and build your audience.

Share your articles on social media, engage with other Medium writers, and participate in Medium publications to increase visibility and attract more readers.

7. Stay Consistent:

Consistency is key to success on Medium.

Continue to publish high-quality content on a regular basis to keep your audience engaged and to increase your earning potential over time.

By following these steps, you can join the Medium Partner Program and start earning money for your writing on Medium.

Remember to focus on producing valuable content and engaging with your audience to maximize your success on the platform.

Final Thoughts

Medium.com is a great platform for writers who want to share their ideas and earn money. But it is not easy to succeed on Medium.com. You need to write quality and relevant content that attracts and engages readers. You also need to use the features and tools that Medium.com offers to optimize and promote your work. If you follow these tips, you can become a successful and profitable writer on Medium.com in 2024.

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Atif Sharif
Cash Flow

SEO & PPC Expert, Content Writer. Helping companies attract potential customers through organic search results. Contact me: https://direct.me/atifsharif