Castle Halloween Party starts today!

Ben Roth
Castle Games Blog
Published in
2 min readOct 25, 2019

Hello Castle community!

Starting today, and for the next two weeks, join us while we make some spooky games in Castle.

The first live tutorial is tonight

[Update: The archive of the tutorial stream can be viewed here.]

If you’re new to Castle, tune in to our Twitch channel at 7pm PDT today while we walk through making your first Castle game. We will screencast that tutorial step by step, from familiarizing yourself with the program, to starting a blank project, to coding a simple interactive game. Castle teammates will be online to answer questions.

We have more tutorials every day for the next six days. We’ll go through other topics of Castle game making, including a racing game, an online multiplayer game, and a 3D game. Check out the full schedule.

We have some shirts

We’ll be making games together for the next two weeks as part of Castle Halloween Party. At the end, anyone who made a substantive game will get one of these:

We heard a rumor they are imbued with +1 Fire Resistance.

We’re only making a limited number of these Castle Halloween Party shirts, and this is your only opportunity to get one. All you need to do is put effort into a game. See you online!

There’s more loot, too

For the heavy hitters out there, you can also earn some cash if you make an outstanding game during Castle Halloween Party. Check out the full details.

It’s been exciting to see newcomers arriving in Castle all week to check out the party. Hope to see you there too!

Maybe we will see you wandering through the darkness of Lights Out.

