Extended: Tutorial Schedule for the Castle Halloween Party

Charlie Cheever
Castle Games Blog
Published in
2 min readOct 22, 2019

Updated October 30, 2019: We’ve really enjoyed hanging out with people in the streams so far. So we added another week of streams. Some of them will be in-depth continuations of previous topics. See you there!

As part of Castle Halloween Party, we expect some people to show up who have never used Castle before. So we’re putting on a series of tutorials on how to make things with Castle.

We’ll publish one each day from Friday, October 25 through Tuesday, November 5. The content will be a mix of basic stuff to help you get started making your first game (or art), some stuff about unique Castle features, and some stuff about more advanced topics like doing 3D graphics.

For some of these, we’ll release the a blog post in the morning with the content. Later that day, the author of the post will go through it live on Twitch and Discord so you can get help and ask questions.

Updated Schedule: October 30 through November 5, 2019

All times are California time.

  • Wed, Oct 30, 12:30PM — Ben RothMaking Your first Castle Game, Part 2
  • Thurs, Oct 31, 6pm — Nikhilesh SigatapuMaking an Online Multiplayer Game, Part 2
  • Fri, Nov 1, 6pm — Jesse RuderMaking a 3D World, Part 2
  • Sun, Nov 3, 12pm — Charlie CheeverMaking an Adventure Game
  • Mon, Nov 4, 3pm — David ColeCreating a Sprite Sheet [taking live requests!]
  • Tues, Nov 5, 6pm — Charlie CheeverMaking a Tetris Game
Here’s jim making some explosions

Previous Schedule

  • Fri, Oct. 25, 7PM — Ben RothMaking Your first Castle Game
  • Sat, Oct 26, 7PM — Charlie CheeverMaking a Racing Game
  • Sun, Oct 27, 7PM — Nikhilesh SigatapuMaking an Online Multiplayer Game
  • Mon, Oct 28, 7PM — Jesse RuderMaking a 3D World
  • Tues, Oct 29, 7PM — Jim Lee Using Sprite Sheets
Learn how to set up a simple 3D world in jesse’s tutorial.

How to Join

The written tutorials will be published here on this blog.

You can join the Discord here: https://discord.gg/guccgke

And find the Castle Twitch channel here: https://www.twitch.tv/castleteam

Just show up in the Discord and Twitch at 7PM PDT to walk through these tutorials.

If people like these, we’ll make more tutorials too!

Learn more about Castle Halloween Party here.

