Join us for Castle Halloween Party, Oct 25 through Nov 7

Ben Roth
Castle Games Blog
Published in
2 min readOct 18, 2019

Hello Castle community!

We’re excited to announce the Castle Halloween Party, a two-week long event where everybody is invited to hang out, make games, and play games with us in Castle.

Create something spooky

What better way to spend halloween than in a Castle? Castle Halloween Party is a creative celebration where you can make any game that inspires horror, spookiness, a mild chill, or just something weird and fun.

Learn how to makes games with Castle

During the first week of Castle Halloween Party, Castle team members will be streaming short video classes on how to make stuff in Castle. Tune in to meet the team and learn about subjects ranging from creating your first project to making 3D worlds in Castle. We’ll put all the classes on YouTube afterward in case you miss the stream. October 25–31, full schedule available here.

Win some treats

It wouldn’t be a real Halloween celebration without some loot. As such, we have a limited amount of stuff we’re giving away during Castle Halloween Party.

We want anybody to feel welcome to show up, learn, make stuff, and generally hang out and be included. For that reason, we’ll mail out Castle T-Shirts for anybody who puts substantive effort into making a Castle game during Castle Halloween Party. These are some seriously soft shirts, folks. And we don’t know when you’ll have another opportunity to get one.

If you’re feeling especially serious, we also have some cash awards to pique your interest:

  • $250 to the best overall game as voted by Castle staff.
  • $250 to the most liked game as voted by all the Halloween Party attendees.
  • $500 to the game that accumulates the most daily players over the course of the event.
  • $250 to the game that accumulates the second-most daily players.

There is no formal submission process; any game added to Castle during Castle Halloween Party is automatically eligible as long as it abides by our community guidelines.

Awards will be announced on Nov 12, 2019.

Let us know if you have questions

Thanks for reading! More details about the party are available here. If you have any questions, let us know on Twitter, Discord, or in Castle chat. We look forward to seeing everybody next week!

