What’s new in Castle, Dec 3 2018

Ben Roth
Castle Games Blog
Published in
2 min readDec 3, 2018

Hello Castlers! We released a small update to Castle for Windows and MacOS over the weekend. Most of the changes were incremental, but here are a few highlights:

Create new Castle projects faster

If you have an idea for a game, we’d like to help you get started on it right away. Now you can click this fancy button:

We’ll prompt you for a directory on your machine, and then we’ll create a boilerplate main.lua file there and start running it. We’ve also added a simple tutorial to guide you through some useful first steps.

Find other people

We noticed that people were creating Castle accounts because their friends were creating games in Castle. Now you can find people you know by typing their handle in the search bar.

Finding Charlie on Castle

We have a Discord now

We’ve created a Discord server where you can share what you’re playing, share what you’re creating, or ask for help. Join us!

Fixed some other issues

  • Fixed an issue on Windows where some fonts and sounds would fail to load from file:// uris.
  • Several incremental improvements to share.lua, a library for shared state in Castle games. (More details forthcoming!)
  • Fixed some weird behavior hiding Castle with Cmd + H on MacOS.
  • Fixed an issue saving your profile when it was empty.

Come and say hello

As always, we’d love to hear any feedback from you. Let us know on Twitter or Discord.

To grab the new version of Castle, download it from playcastle.io. See you around!

For more updates, check out our changelog from November 9 if you didn’t already see it.

Some generative art in Castle

