aayushii Gupta
Catalysts Reachout
Published in
4 min readSep 19, 2022

In the last article ( https://medium.com/catalysts-reachout/cloud-computing-be4402bdf992 )we had a brief about what exactly could computing is. You can check the article on the following link

( https://medium.com/catalysts-reachout/cloud-computing-be4402bdf992 )

There are majorly four types of cloud computing:

a. Private clouds:

Also known as internal cloud or corporate cloud. It just for a particular organization. Only the member of the organization can access the service. It can be managed by either third party or the organization itself.

Examples: HP Data Centers, Microsoft, Elastra-private cloud, and Ubuntu


1. More secure as the details of the organization are not globally available.

2. Data privacy, only the authorized person has the access.

3. More customizable.

4. More reliable.


1. The area of operations are limited, as it is accessible only to a certain number of people who are in the organization.

2. Costly, as we need to invest in the hardware and the software. Also the maintenance charges will be applied.

3. Less scalable.

b. public clouds:

It is open to all who wants to store and access the information via internet.

Basically, it is a service available to everyone. We will pay as use. Public cloud like Gmail is available for free. In order to increase the storage capacity, we need to pay some additional amount. It is a managed by third party (that is the cloud service provider). The key feature of public cloud is multi tendency (that is shared resources can be used by multiple users).


1. drop box, google drive

2. EC2(Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud), it is available on AWS. It is basically a virtual server that allows the user to rum multiple application on AWS cloud infrastructure. EC2 eliminates your need to invest in hardware up front, so you can develop and deploy applications faster.

3. Google App Engine, a serverless platform for developing and hosting web applications at scale


1. Since it is managed by the third party, hence we needn’t pay maintenance charges.

2. The location independent, we can access it anywhere from the globe.

3. Highly Scalable.

4. Cost effective.


1. It is a bit less secure as the resources are shared publicly.

2. Less customizable.

c. Hybrid clouds:

It is basically using both or either of public cloud and private cloud in different aspects. The critical activities are performed by the public cloud where is un-important contribution is by the public cloud.

Example: AWS Outposts, Azure Stack, Azure Arc, Google Anthos and VMware Cloud on AWS.


  1. Cost saving.
  2. The hybrid cloud offers a higher level of security and risk management.
  3. Improved scalability and control
  4. Increased agility and innovation


1. Managing the structure is complex, as there are more than one type of deployment model.

d. Multiclouds:

Multi-cloud is the utilization of two or more public cloud providers to serve an organization’s IT services and infrastructure. There is no single multi-cloud vendor. All hybrid clouds are multiclouds, but not all multiclouds are hybrid clouds. Multiclouds become hybrid clouds when multiple clouds are connected by some form of integration.

Example: Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Microsoft (Azure), and IBM.


  1. Reduces latency.
  2. Higher availability.
  3. We can customize in a better way, like we chose the best features of each cloud provider.


  1. Managing the different cloud environment in addition to on-premise infrastructure is tedious, as each cloud provider have different APIs.
  2. Migration is not easy, as each environment is different and you can’t just deploy exactly on another platform without any sort or re-architecting.

