Communion on Tongue vs. Hand? The Most Important Thing to Know: Hold Him Sacred

Receiving the Eucharist in the hand or tongue? How would Jesus prefer to be touched?

Joseph Serwach
Catholic Way Home


Image by Robert Cheaib from Pixabay.

Catholics have debated whether it’s better to receive the Eucharist on the tongue or in our hands throughout my life. How would Jesus prefer to be loved?

The meaning of sacred hands? The most important thing about the Eucharist? To love and worship Jesus the way He wants to be loved.

Anytime the Church gives us a choice, we tend to have a habit of believing our way — or the tradition we follow — is best, but it still helps to answer the fundamental question of all religion: Why?

Why do we do things the way we do? The Church has allowed Catholics to receive the Eucharist in the hand or on the tongue for decades. Here are the best cases for both methods based on research — and personal experience:

The best case for receiving on the tongue? Satanists want Him too

The best possible argument for receiving on the tongue? Satanists, who come to Catholic Masses, receive the Eucharist in their hands and take the consecrated host home with them to desecrate in their “Black Mass” rituals.



Joseph Serwach
Catholic Way Home

Story + Identity = Mission. Leadership Culture, Journalism, Branding Education. Inspiration: Catholic, Polish.