Catoshi is about to have it’s 1st anniversary, so let’s celebrate

Published in
5 min readMay 18, 2022

On the 25th May Catoshi will have it’s anniversary. We will be marking this achievement with our community, but its also a great time to look back on our 1st year.

The 25th of May is an incredibly significant date for the Catoshi team, as we will be having our first anniversary. In the crypto space the churn of projects is high and many projects only last days or weeks, let alone months or years. To be an active project for a year is uncommon and we are incredibly proud of the journey we have been during the last 12 months.

The past12 months

Catoshi was launched as a meme token on the Ethereum chain on the 25th of May 2021. It was conceived with the idea that Catoshi could be run far better than many of the other meme tokens of the time. It was launched with a very small private sale and quickly grew in the hype of meme token launches. However, as the project aged over the following weeks, the team realised that they could do so much more. Being a meme wasn’t enough, real utility and impact could be achieved. A lack of good, accessible bridging solutions was identified and work begun on the initial development. During the summer of 2021 there were multiple high value bridge exploits. This made the team revisit security and bridge safety making it central to the project’s purpose, providing the most secure bridging available in the space. Although it pushed back the bridge launch it was seen as an essential delay for the long term benefit of the project.

Since then Catoshi has grown and matured greatly, improving our bridging process and identifying further services that offer utility. In the last 7 months Catoshi has achieved, amongst other things, the following;

✅ Token Migration to BSC for Bridge Security Protocols on Oct. 21st, 2021
✅ Launched Catoshi Bridge ETH~BSC on
✅ Catoshi Padswap DPLP farm established
✅ Launched Shih-Tzu Bridge ETH~BSC on
✅ Launched Kishimoto Bridge ETH~BSC on
✅ Launched Falcon X Bridge BSC~ETH on
✅ Launched Melodious Bridge ETH~BSC on
✅ Launched Catoshi Bridge BSC~FTM on
✅ Launched Catoshi Bridge BSC~AVAX on
✅ Launched Kishimoto Bridge BSC~FTM on
✅ Launched Kishimoto Bridge BSC~AVAX on
✅ Launched Volta DAO White Label Bridge AVAX~FTM (First White Label!)
✅ Launched Green Chart White Label Bridge BSC~ETH
✅ Launched Antis Inu White Label Bridge BSC~ETH
✅ Launched ElonGoat White Label Bridge BSC~ETH
✅ Launched Croge White Label Bridge BSC~CRO
✅ Launched First ZERO Label Bridge BSC~ETH
✅ Launched Lil-Floki BSC~ETH on

The team spent significant thought about the rebranding we went through. It was decided that the meme styling that Catoshi initially had was not as professional as needed to be respected in the wider blockchain community. We wanted a streamlined, slicker look, with inspiration from branding in the tech and finance spheres. The result has kept the heart of Catoshi and we still see our cat show his face from time to time. However, the focus is now very much about the products and utility that Catoshi can provide rather than the characterisation of the project. This gives the project a strong basis to confidently do business with not only smaller start up projects but also large, professional blockchain companies.

Things to come

We as a team are proud of what has been achieved over the last 12 months, but as any regular readers of the Catoshi Medium may be aware, we are also very excited about what is to come.

Within the plan for the remainder of May is to release the Staking platform and distribute the V1 migration NFT’s which we have discussed in previous articles. Staking is something that will reward the community as we grow our bridge volume. Like any sustainable business we will link the returns to the investors to the income of the project. Having played around with the figures this could become very beneficial to those that stake as we move forward and grow. More information regarding our staking will be available soon. The Catoshi V1 NFT is a big thank you to those that used the migration portal towards the end of 2021. Details of this are later in the article, we will get to it, fear not.

Moving forward we are building an insured White Label bridge for our partners Apex which enables the fast and safe transfer of $FTM tokens from the Fantom chain to the Avalanche and other Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) networks. This should be live by the end of July 2022. As part of this bridge building we will also be working closely with the Fantom Foundation and insurers UnoRe. We are also building another bridge on for an as yet unnamed project. There are currently negotiations with multiple projects including some that may lead to significant growth of Catoshi. We see the potential for growth and standing in the space as high. As we partner with larger projects we gain greater visibility and status that is conducive to more partnerships with larger projects.

Ok, ‘but what about the anniversary celebrations?’ I hear you say.

25th May is Catoshi Community day

In one week’s time Catoshi has it’s anniversary and the community will be at the centre of things.

We will be throwing a party in our Telegram group. There will be 2 periods of 2 hours where our Telegram voice chat will be open. The times are 15:00UTC until 17:00UTC and 22:00UTC until 00:00UTC. Come and hang out with team members, ask questions (we welcome difficult ones), give feedback, discuss progress and even win prizes.

Catoshi will be giving away prizes in both Telegram and Twitter totalling;

$500 BUSD and 10,000 CATS

The V1 Migration NFT was mentioned above. We intend to distribute these NFTs on the 25th of May. The NFTs will be airdropped into the wallets used for V1 migration. These NFTs will be stakable and will offset the fees of bridging up to 120,000 CATS.

So please come and join us on the 25th, you never know, we might give some sneak peeks of work in progress.

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