CBREX is a global exchange that connects employers to recruiting firms. We bring you curated articles from the recruitment world.
Note from the editor

CBREX is a global exchange that connects employers to recruiting firms. We bring you curated articles from the recruitment world.

Go to the profile of Shivani Shah
Shivani Shah
Hobbit. Ecologist. Wanderlust. Food Gladiator. Snoozer. Occasional writer. Part-time actor. No tolerance for bullshit. Cogito ergo sum. On Twitter @shivanishah
Go to the profile of Gautam Sinha
Gautam Sinha
CEO & Co-founder, CBREX — A Global Recruiter Exchange
Go to the profile of Tabish Bhat
Go to the profile of Tara C
Tara C
Marketing Team Member at CBREX
Go to the profile of Shivani Shah
Shivani Shah
Hobbit. Ecologist. Wanderlust. Food Gladiator. Snoozer. Occasional writer. Part-time actor. No tolerance for bullshit. Cogito ergo sum. On Twitter @shivanishah
Go to the profile of Tara C
Tara C
Marketing Team Member at CBREX