Centina Pentina Submission Guidelines

Here’s what you need to know to give your microfiction a home

J.A. Taylor
Centina Pentina


Photo by Elena Mozhvilo on Unsplash

*UPDATE* Centina Pentina has ceased. Read more here.

We are excited that you want to publish with Centina Pentina! If you have not heard these words before, read up.

  1. Your story must be microfiction. Our categories (and tags) are:
    6wordstory: Stories exactly six words long
    Pentina: Stories exactly 50 words long
    Centina: Stories exactly 100 words long
    OneSentenceStory: Stories told in one sentence
    PostcardFiction: Stories more than one sentence, but not 6, 50, or 100 words. Postcard fiction can be up to 250 words.
    To confirm the word count, highlight your story. You’ll see the word count in the upper left-hand corner of your Medium page.
  2. You are allowed a short bio or link to another story at the bottom of your story. Please use Medium’s separator to divide this from your story. Your bio does NOT factor into the word count.
  3. At this time, we publish fiction pieces only, no poetry. There’s still plenty of amazing Medium publications featuring poetry.
  4. We will not publish any erotica or explicit material. Be creative and spare us extreme crassness.
  5. Your piece must conform to Medium’s distribution guidelines. Also, give your story a…

