CENNZnet Roadmap Update

Elizabeth Izmailova
Published in
3 min readMar 9, 2020

To stay up-to-date on the progress of Centrality’s ecosystem, follow us on Twitter and our Telegram Announcements channel, plus join our community on Centrality’s Official Telegram, Reddit, Facebook and LinkedIn.

Back in 2019, we released the chilli roadmap to give our community visibility of the technology milestones we would complete on our journey to full staking. The roadmap outlines six stages of CENNZnet development, and in less than a year we’ve completed Aurora, Rooster Spur and Habanero stages! But what’s ahead, is even more exciting…

As we get closer to full staking we’ve been able to update our roadmap with more detail around the tasks we’re working on, we’re now ready to UNveil the remaining milestones, so you can monitor our progress to make sure we’re hot on the track to deliver our vision.

Scotch Bonnet (current stage)

Scotch Bonnet focuses on growth and development for the network. The staking algorithm has now been coded to CENNZnet and is ready for testing. We’re still using test tokens, but the rules that govern the network are real.

The next milestones we’ll work towards achieving during this phase are:

  • Stability: We’ll upgrade to a new PLUG release to stabilise the core components of CENNZnet network and verify the soundness of key runtime modules
  • Multi-currency economy: users will be able to settle fees and transact natively in a currency of their choosing. This includes paying gas fees for smart contracts as well.
  • Doughnut permissions V1.0 for smart contracts and runtime modules.
  • Mainnet V1.0 release.

Dorset Naga

The CENNZnet network will be live and full staking underway. The tokens and the rules that govern the network will both be real. At this stage we’ll be working on:

  • Doughnut advanced permissioning
    Doughnut rate-limiting will enable users to issue a Doughnut for particular things with certain conditions and frequency. For example, I can issue a Doughnut to my electricity provider to let them withdraw up to 500 CPAY every month.
    But what if I change the provider before the Doughnut expires?
    Doughnut Revocation
    allows users to revoke a Doughnut after it’s issued and before its expiration date.
  • Asset transfer (ERC20 — CENNZnet): CENNZ ERC20 holders will be able to transfer their tokens into the network and start earning real block rewards.
  • Supernode phase: More and more validator nodes will be run by the Centrality community. All network contributors will be rewarded for honest participation in the CENNZnet network

Finish line

  • Public Staking: the majority of validator nodes will be run by the community. CENNZnet will become more decentralised and secure than ever. Unlike many other blockchain networks that are controlled by a few validators or mining pools, CENNZnet will be truly distributed and therefore the risk of malicious attack will tend to zero.
  • Big party cause we deserve it.

Trinidad Scorpion

Interoperability — this is where we link up all the networks that have built on the PL^G toolkit and start to have internetwork DApps running in the wild. We’re also going to work on some secret stuff… Stay tuned as we UNveil the secrets!

To stay up-to-date on the progress of Centrality’s ecosystem, follow us on Twitter and our Telegram Announcements channel, plus join our community on Centrality’s Official Telegram, Reddit, Facebook and LinkedIn.

