Centrality monthly update — February 2021

Aaron McDonald
Published in
3 min readMar 2, 2021

Translations of this article can be found here:

CEO Aaron McDonald shares key developments over the past month. To stay up-to-date on the progress of Centrality’s ecosystem, follow us on Twitter and our Telegram Announcements channel, plus join our community on Centrality’s Official Telegram, and Instagram .


It’s been a big start to the year for CENNZnet with both the technical and broader team gearing up for mass adoption by DApp developers. In line with the 2021 aims, everyone is working hard to put into place the tools and resources required to help new developers get to grips with the network and start their decentralised journey.

If you want a reminder of what is planned for this year you can find our objectives here.

So, what has happened so far?

  • Testnet and mainnet V37 live, 1 billion tokens sent to the staking contract: This is a huge achievement and marks an impressive milestone for our community’s participation.
  • Cennznet.io and CENNZnet wallet successfully updated: Continued refinement is taking place on CENNZnet wallet in preparation for public staking. Improving the CENNZX UI and also testing integration with Polkadot’s browser extension in prep for the CENNZX UI launch. The team have also put together a comprehensive basic guide for those who are new to the CENNZnet.io, check it out here.
  • Staking is Live on CENNZnet!: Staking is now live meaning anyone with CENNZ tokens can now stake them to earn CPAY rewards. Our partners, Moonstake, are also running three validator nodes for anyone who wants to stake their CENNZ tokens. If you are interested in running a Validator node you can learn more here.
  • Staking API delivered: This enables anyone who wants to create their own staking platform with CENNZnet to do so, effectively opening staking to blockchain developers.
  • Live knowledge hub: To help new and existing users to learn more about CENNZnet and blockchain principles, the team have built a knowledge hub full of accessible resources. Check it out here.
  • Team hackathon: To get things swinging and to put their hard work to the test, part of our dev team got together and organised a hackathon. Check out how they got on here.


The CarbonClick team have launched into 2021 at full steam. After their team Christmas trip canoeing 4 days down the Whanganui river, they are back in action hitting a staggering 45,000 contributors to their site and offset over 10 million kgs of CO2!

There has also been exciting news on the partnerships front: Eithad Airways has announced that they will be working with CarbonClick to expand its carbon offsetting. Read more about it here.

Alongside this the team’s latest product update, the Climate Friendly Cart app is now live on WooCommerce.


True to form the Sylo team has launched 2021 with some exciting news. Sylo Smart Wallet users can now purchase crypto in-app via MoonPayHQ by simply using their bank cards. Not only is this a technological feat, but it also makes crypto accessible to a wider audience, bridging together the tangible and digital worlds of fiat and crypto.

Learn more about this exciting update here.


This month the CENNZnet team took another step towards putting CENNZ in the hands of mainstream users by integrating CENNZ with Sylo and Centrapay so that you can buy a drink from Cocacola Amital vending machines using a CENNZ token.

To stay up-to-date on the progress of Centrality’s ecosystem, follow us on Twitter and our Telegram Announcements channel, plus join our community on Centrality’s Official Telegram, Instagram, and Reddit.



Aaron McDonald

Co-founder and CEO of blockchain venture studio Centrality