Go to CESAR Update
CESAR Update
Fique por dentro da percepção de colaboradores do CESAR ao participarem de eventos e iniciativas do mercado relacionados a design, educação, inovação e tecnologia.
Note from the editor

Fique por dentro da percepção de colaboradores do CESAR ao participarem de eventos e iniciativas do mercado relacionados a design, educação, inovação e tecnologia.

Go to the profile of CESAR
Instituto privado que inova em produtos, serviços e empresas com TICs — Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação. | A brazilian private institute for innovation.
Go to the profile of Erick Jung
Erick Jung
Engineering Lead at @farfetch , Product Builder, Strategic Thinker | @moosti founder
Go to the profile of h.d.mabuse
Go to the profile of Jimens Lima
Jimens Lima
Sr. Software Engineer at CESAR
Go to the profile of Giselle Rossi Araujo
Giselle Rossi Araujo
Designer de Experiências. Vim de BH, fui pra Sampa, estou em Recife, projeto para o mundo.
Go to the profile of Viviane Lyrio
Viviane Lyrio
QA Engineer at CESAR
Go to the profile of Victor Ximenes
Go to the profile of Helga Jinzenji
Go to the profile of Rodrigo Cursino
Rodrigo Cursino
Test Consultant at @inovacao_cesar, Professor at @thecesarschool, passionate about software testing, agile and people ☼ More: https://linktr.ee/rcursino
Go to the profile of Tiago Barros
Go to the profile of Marcelo Nunes Alves Costa
Go to the profile of Daniel T. V. Pereira
Go to the profile of Fábio Correia e Mello
Go to the profile of Eduardo Serra
Go to the profile of fabio maia
fabio maia
Since '69 fighting entropy, as any other living system. Just to be defeated at the end... But it doesn't matter.
Go to the profile of Tamires A Agripino Serra
Go to the profile of Elisabeth Maria de Morais Wanderley
Elisabeth Maria de Morais Wanderley
MSc, CSQE/ASQ, CSM, CTFL-AT, CLF-Certified Lean Inception Facilitator. Software Test Engineer at @inovacao_cesar
Go to the profile of Daniel Moura
Daniel Moura
Engenheiro de Software
Go to the profile of Willian Grillo
Willian Grillo
UX Designer/Researcher @inovacao_cesar | Service Design | Coffee | Beer | Wine Entusiast
Go to the profile of Rodrigo Perazzo
Rodrigo Perazzo
Dad & Husband. SW / Android / Arduino / IoT Engineer @inovacao_cesar. In pursuit of good habits for life.
Go to the profile of Gabriela Boeira
Go to the profile of Priscila Alcântara
Priscila Alcântara
A simple UX designer around the world. A brazilian girl that don't like carnival, samba nor too hot weather. See my portfolio at https://priscilasalcantara.com/
Go to the profile of Antoanne Pontes
Antoanne Pontes
Programador, professor e pesquisador. Coordenador pedagógico do NAVE Rio pela CESAR School e pesquisador pela FCRB, mestre em Sistemas de Informação pela UFRJ.
Go to the profile of Erika Campos
Erika Campos
Design Consultant and UX designer. PHD Student at UFPE. Professor at CESAR School.
Go to the profile of Renata Souza
Renata Souza
UX Designer @CESAR, based in Recife, Pernambuco - Brazil
Go to the profile of Maurício Taumaturgo de Oliveira
Go to the profile of Gustavo Henrique da Silva Alexandre
Go to the profile of Haidée Lima
Haidée Lima
UI Designer @CESAR
Go to the profile of Pedro Buarque
Pedro Buarque
Data Scientist | AI Enthusiastic | A man full of crazy ideas.
Go to the profile of Rodrigo L. Carneiro
Rodrigo L. Carneiro
Designer at Thoughtworks
Go to the profile of Georgenes Claudino
Georgenes Claudino
Designer @CESAR | Illustrator | Maker Culture Enthusiastic
Go to the profile of Carlos Eduardo
Go to the profile of Cora Sales
Cora Sales
Product Designer @ CESAR. Recife - BR.
Go to the profile of Rafael Pacheco
Go to the profile of Rafael Pacheco
Go to the profile of Henrique Borges
Go to the profile of Diogo Lacerda
Go to the profile of Felipe Furtado
Felipe Furtado
Pós-doutorado no Reino Unido (The Open University, 2016), doutorado (2015) e mestrado (2010) em Computação (UFPE). Foi Diretor Executivo de Educação no CESAR.
Go to the profile of Livyson
Head of technology
Go to the profile of João Carlos Quintino
João Carlos Quintino
UI / UX Designer, Illustrator and Architect student based in Recife, Pernambuco - Brazil.
Go to the profile of Erika Pessôa
Erika Pessôa
Educadora de vocação e desejo, cientista de curiosidade e formação, fotógrafa e costureira de "enxerimento" e alegria.
Go to the profile of Eduardo Emery
Eduardo Emery
Creating life with lifeless stuff.
Go to the profile of Ana Cuentro
Ana Cuentro
Accessibility Product Designer. Aqui escrevo sobre Acessibilidade e crônicas. https://anacuentro.com.br/
Go to the profile of Taís Nascimento
Taís Nascimento
Trabalhando com design, criatividade, tecnologia e gente. Cá em Recife, mas mirando o mundo, no Instituto @inovacao_cesar
Go to the profile of Pether José da Silva
Go to the profile of Pether Silva
Go to the profile of João Neto
João Neto
MSc. Computer Science, Site Reliability Engineer at VTEX .
Go to the profile of Eduardo Campello Peixoto
Go to the profile of Eduardo Campello Peixoto
Go to the profile of Fernando Padoan
Fernando Padoan
Engenheiro de Software no @inovacao_cesar.
Go to the profile of Carla Alexandre Barboza de Sousa
Go to the profile of Almir Henrique Dantas
Almir Henrique Dantas
Product Designer Recifense 🤘🏼
Go to the profile of Washington Machado
Go to the profile of Thiago Cardoso
Thiago Cardoso
Software engineer at Incognia
Go to the profile of Poliana Vieira Belo da Silva
Go to the profile of Carlos Filho (calf)
Carlos Filho (calf)
Engenheiro de Testes (@inovacao_cesar)