Note from the editor

This blog is a compilation of personal opinions. And, like any opinion, it relates to an individual’s personal feeling and it’s subject to interpretation. You can disagree with all of this. Also, note that in no way what I write is related to the position of my employer. Sometimes our ideas might be aligned, sometimes they might not be. I started this blog 8 years ago. WhatsApp hadn’t been released yet; Facebook’s $104 billion IPO was yet to happen; Windows Vista was the latest Microsoft OS back then; iPhone was in it’s 1st generation (original iPhone); Lehman Brothers was still “alive”. I’m still active around here after all this time. That’s because one of the fundamental premises that led me to start the blog still remains valid: “Sharing knowledge is an invaluable characteristics of a professional.”

Go to the profile of César Afonso
Go to the profile of César Afonso