Cosmos/Tendermint Hackathon en partenariat avec la chaire Fintech de l’Université Paris-Dauphine

Nicolas Cantu
ON-X Blockchain (Chain-Accelerator)
7 min readJan 14, 2019

Cosmos/Tendermint Hackathon

Chain Accelerator is organizing, for Tendermint ( and Université Paris-Dauphine’s FinTech chair, a hackathon on April 13rd-14th 2019. To

be won:

  • 7 000 € from Tendermint
  • 2 000 € from Tendermint
  • 1 000 € from Tendermint
  • For a TOP 3 project, if the project is accepted by Chain Accelerator, a 6 months incubation at Station F (Paris) will be offered
  • For every participant: you will receive a link and first 50 signed up for the Chain Acc-ademy will receive a free ticket for the 2 days event Paris Blockchain Week Summit.


Each team’s aim is to build a blockchain in its entirety, compatible with Cosmos/Tendermint ecosystem, as well as the corresponding user interface. For this, participants will use Cosmos-SDK, a Golang framework allowing to easily build blockchains from modules.

Place: PARIS Université Paris-Dauphine

  • Place du Maréchal de Lattre de Tassigny, 75016 Paris
  • Hackathon’s opening at Room Raymond Aron.
  • Lecture Hall 2, 3 and 4 for team work.
  • Hall 2 for meals
  • Room Raymond Aron


  • Nicolas Cantu co-fondateur Chain Accelerator
  • Directeur de la Chaire Fintech chez Fondation Paris-Dauphine
  • Gautier Marin: Developer Relations Engineer
  • Billy Rennekamp: Developer Relations Engineer

Available Subjects (feel free to suggest some more):

  • Proof-of-Authority : module Build a Cosmos SDK module that lets people permissionned validator set. The validator set can add or remove a validator provided 2/3 of current validators agree
  • Universal Basic Income : moduleBuild a Cosmos SDK module with an in-built UBI logic
  • Module manager : Build an npm-like module manager prototype for the Cosmos SDK Supply-chain blockchainBuild a simple supply-chain application specific blockchain on the Cosmos SDK (with an associated module)
  • Local currency system : Build a blockchain the Cosmos SDK that lets people deploy their own local currency.
  • DID Auth : Use the DID decentraized identity standard for authorization in a module
  • Uniswap Module : Build a module that incorporates X*Y=K market making like that of Uniswap on EthereumDomain Name ServiceBuild a domain name service module like in the tutorial. Bonus: add some more complex buy/sell mechanisms
  • Scaffolding Tools : Automate the build process of generating CLI and REST server for new modules
  • ETH Token Peg Zone : Implement a zone which acts as a peg between a popular blockchain like ethereum and the cosmos ecosystem
  • Wallet : Make a web app wallet that interacts with a cosmos blockchain (bonus use the chain id as a variable so you can switch between chains)
  • Whitelist Auth : Let users authenticate off chain and gain access to a white list that gives them special permissions like 0 fees
  • Permission To Public Validator Set : Propose a system for transitioning a permissioned validator set to a public validator set
  • Validator Assesment : Make a Better Business Bureau-like entity which gives ratings of Validators based on their performance and delegator rewards
  • Social Recovery Wallet : Use the multisig capabilites to create a wallet which can be recovered by some threshold of signatures from friends or family
  • IBC MVP : Implement a MVP version of IBC ( in the language of your choice.
  • Governance forum : Build a whole governance platform centered around the governance module (pre-proposal discussion, feedback, etc;)
  • TCR : Build a token curated registry that improves upon the ethereum model using fast finality, cheap transactions and asynchronous hooks

Participants: Between 50 and 75 people including: Grandes Ecoles, researchers, ideation startups, engineer and business schools, and independent geniuses.
Come with your team or come to complete an existing team.


  • Saturday 9:30–9:45 am: Arrival, welcome & arrangement
  • Saturday 9:45–10:15 am: Hackathon’s and Cosmos/Tendermint presentation
  • Saturday 10:15–10:30 am: Teams’ creation, Github projects and running order
  • Saturday 10:30 am — Sunday 4:15 pm: Projects development
  • Sunday 4:15–5:15 pm: 5 minutes pitch with a working demo of each project
  • Sunday 5:15–5:30 pm: Panel decisions
  • Sunday 5:30–6 pm: Announcing winners and prize giving


  • Teams are composed of 3 to 5 persons to make between 7 and 10 teams
  • Ideally mixed: 3–4 developers + business and research
  • Possibility to develop on site or remotely
  • Opened 24/24, wifi available, you just need to bring your stuff (laptop, chargers, …)
  • Using Github to upload projects
  • Free food and drinks: pizzas, cakes, sodas, water, …

Here is a channel dedicated to the event, on our public Slack, useful if you want to meet participants: #tendermint-hackathon

About Cosmos: Cosmos is an Internet of Blockchains project. Cosmos’ purpose is to allow any developer to easily develop his own blockchain with Tendermint and Cosmos-SDK, and connect these chains to each other thanks to a protocol named Inter-Blockchain Communication Protocol.

Cosmos Resource List :

Introductory Material

Blockchain-related essential knowledge


Tendermint + ABCI



Blockchain governance

Advanced reading

Paris-Dauphine est l’institution d’enseignement supérieur de référence dans le domaine des sciences des organisations et de la décision. Grand établissement, membre de la Conférence des présidents d’universités et de la Conférence des Grandes Ecoles, seule université française accréditée EQUIS, Paris-Dauphine développe depuis sa création en 1968 un modèle d’excellence pour :

  • la qualité et la sélectivité de ses formations pluridisciplinaires en licence, master et doctorat
  • la recherche de pointe menée dans ses six centres de recherche, dont 4 sont associés au CNRS,
  • ses relations étroites avec le monde socioéconomique et un puissant réseau de 80 000 alumni présents sur les cinq continents.

Membre fondateur de L’Université PSL, Paris-Dauphine s’est unie à 22 établissements et organismes de recherche parisiens prestigieux couvrant une grande diversité disciplinaire (Ecole Normale Supérieure, Mines ParisTech, écoles d’arts, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales…). PSL c’est à ce jour 26 prix Nobel, 10 médailles Fields et 34 médailles d’or au CNRS. Classé en 2018 par le Times Higher Education en 72e position mondiale et comme 1er établissement national.

A propos de Chain Accelerator :

Chain Accelerator est l’un des principaux accélérateurs mondiaux, entièrement dédié à l’avancement de la technologie de la blockchain.

Chain Accelerator prend en charge un écosystème en devenir : startups, protocoles, universités, entreprises, développeurs, communautés de cybersécurité et surtout d’entrepreneurs prometteurs, tout en offrant aux investisseurs un accès unique au flux de projets blockchain.

Chain Accelerator est situé à la station F à Paris pour soutenir les startups blockchain du monde entier. Chain Accelerator est le co-organisateur de CryptoMondaysParis et de la Blockchain Week de Paris.

Merci aux partenaires de la chaire Fintech de l’Université Paris-Dauphine :

Merci aux partenaires de Chain Accelerator :

Partner experts

Let us know which offer you are interested in and apply here => this form.

Don’t forget to follow us on social medias : twitter, telegram, slack

