Closed Beta and Release Roadmap
Published in
5 min readJun 19, 2019

Chainbreakers for Decentraland will enter beta status soon. Today we’d like to share the release date of the closed beta and explain how you can get involved as a tester. This article also contains a more detailed roadmap for Q3 2019.

When does the Chainbreakers Beta start?

Due to our recent progress with our partners at Matic we decided to kick-off the beta on the sidechain. Anyone who owns a Celestial Ring can join the closed beta which starts on July 19th 2019, 12 PM GMT.

To provide our beta test on Matic and allow players to strategize with their own items, we will take a snapshot of three NFT smart contracts (items, units and rings) from the Ethereum Mainnet and reflect that status of ownership to Matic Testnet.

Learn more about Matic

All transactions that happen prior to July 18th 2019, 12 PM GMT (24 hours before the beta starts) are included in that snapshot. Any item that you’d like to possess within your beta inventory needs to be owned by your address on Ethereum Mainnet before this timestamp.

We are going to create snapshots of the following 3 smart contracts:

- Chainbreakers Rings (CBR)
- Chainbreakers Units (CBU)
- Chainbreakers Items (CBI)

Bear in mind that these snapshots are only made for testing purposes. Your valuable NFTs remain on Ethereum Mainnet. The ownership status is ONLY projected to Matic Testnet — NOT to Matic Mainnet.

The beta test will be an experimental experience that allows players to use a “testing instance” of their own Chainbreakers inventory. You can experience the game and learn how to play but your progress within the closed beta won’t be migrated to the Mainnet.

In the beta we focus on the pve quest mechanic. Chainbreakers Pets will join in during a later stage of the beta test. We’ll announce snapshot and update time for these kind of Chainbreakers NFTs (CBP) along the road.

Can I still join the circle of Beta testers?

This May, we’ve announced that Celestial Rings will grant early access to the Chainbreakers franchise. These rings were given out to some crowdsale investors and are required to join the closed beta.

Don’t forget to organize a Celestial Ring, some Chainbreakers Items and maybe even a Pristine Unit on OpenSea before the snapshot is taken.

Chainbreakers NFT Overview

Items increase the performance of your units on quests. Epic armor can be equipped across the whole level range starting from level 1. In contrast to this, weapons have a certain level requirement. Read this article to learn more about items and unit roles (heal, tank and damage).

Inspect all Chainbreakers Items on OpenSea

We gave away Pristine units during our crowdsale. They are still the only “kind of unit” that exist on Ethereum Mainnet. You won’t need them to play during the closed beta because you can acquire default units in-game. Pristine units aim to reflect an early supporter status to other players in your party.

Inspect all Chainbreakers Units on OpenSea

Celestial Rings are early access tokens and required to access the closed beta. Those NFTs are the most scarcest Chainbreakers asset currently available. The different quality levels and gem colors are explained in this article.

Inspect all Chainbreakers Rings on OpenSea

Chainbreakers Pets are similar to the companions that some of you might know from World of Warcraft or similar MMO games. They follow your avatar in the game and enhance the social component in a playful way. However they won’t increase your chances within actual pve gameplay.

View all Chainbreakers Pets on OpenSea

Which Items should I purchase?

It’s almost a year since Chainbreakers was initially announced. Many posts were published on our official blog since then. Towards the end of the crowdsale we’ve released an article that sums up lots of information.

This article also contains an introduction into the Chainbreakers lore and dives deeper into attribute distribution and overall token utility.

From Beta to Launch: Our Roadmap for Q3 2019

The first closed beta version contains 3 quest areas. The required levels for quests range between level 1 and level 13. This version will allow players to test single player questing including item equipping to units and the quest based progression. Players will also be able to trade items with each-other.

In mid August we are going to add 3 additional quest areas that are currently balanced between level 13 to level 24. With this major update, we will add multi-player support, deploy reward pools and establish the connection to pve mechanics. We also look forward to unveil the first auction house version.

In early September our team will add the two final quest areas which contain content for level 24 to level 30. We also look forward to open the first raid with this update. Additionally, we will emphasize on the dialogue with LAND contributors and actually test the LAND contribution mechanic.

On September 30th, Chainbreakers for Decentraland will be deployed to the Matic Mainnet. At this point, players will be able to move their Chainbreakers NFTs from Ethereum Mainnet into their game inventory.

Update 19.06.2019: Multi-player support will most likely be introduced in the August update.

