A Prayer

Published in
1 min readJun 18, 2017
Artwork by Ernio Hernandez

When I was lost in the dark
And nothing was left in sight
You came, my father
And led me, to the light

When I was drowning in sorrow
And nothing was left to cheer
When I hoped for tomorrow
Your boat was there, standing near

For you’ve rescued me, O Father
And you have given me life.
Help me help another,
To support them in their strife.

Let me wish good for all , my father.
Even to those who wish me ill.
Hold my hand , lest I falter
In everything I do, let me do your will.

If you liked this also check out my other poem Fly

Thank you, Ernio for submitting the Imagà Imaginings Image Prompt (on Chalkboard) that inspired this poem




Engineer, Writer, Dreamer. Hope to Inspire. #Positivity