Just as a Habit!

One Line Poetry Prompt

AK (Aaska Aejaz)


Unsplash, Photo by John Sting

I breathe in — out, habitually
Live like a tradition
Walk-in a circle
Travel constantly
Without movement, apathetically
How many years, I’m breathing — living,
Sometimes, Habits are weird!!

© Aaska Aejaz, 2019 All rights reserved!

Your Turn
THEME: Habits

Share your own one-line poem on the theme as a response to this post, or write a stand-alone piece if you prefer. Tag your piece “One Line”. If you have a stand-alone poem, be sure to leave a link in the response section below.
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Thanks to our hosts, Kathy Jacobs, Harper Thorpe, and the entire Chalkboard team!

If you liked my piece and want to read more so, here’s a link to another of my Chalkboard’s piece! My Chalkboard Notes!



AK (Aaska Aejaz)

Determined, Discoverer, Researcher, Achiever, Ist priority is humanity, Words are my life, Love is my attitude, I’m a peacemaker, and brave enough for helping!