
Chalkboard one line prompt for Dec 11th

Matthew Klope
1 min readDec 11, 2019


Matthew Klope, 2019

Pick up the broken pieces
littering that jagged trail
into the rocks,

retrieve my crumpled body
wipe the blood from my shaking hands
and ask me what I learned.

Your Turn —
THEME: Learn

Share your own one-line poem (16 to 30 words) or a Chalkboard Espresso (1 to 15 words) on the theme. Do so as a response to this post or write a stand-alone piece if you prefer, and tag your piece “One Line” or “Chalkboard Espresso” as appropriate. If you choose to publish a poem on another publication, be sure to leave a link in the response in the comments.

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Matthew Klope

Monterey, CA — Ph.D in Chemistry & Chemical Biology — Mixed writings of mixed quality — all images my own