More Family Time

Kim Smyth
Published in
2 min readNov 15, 2020

An acrostic response to Harper’s wonderful prompt

Tyler Nix for Unsplash

May our family connections grow stronger,
Our communications need work,
Remember to pray for each other,
Everyone’s family has their quirks!

I was in Mississippi last week for a family emergency and was dismayed at my family’s disconnect. A hurricane had recently come through as well, some of my family members were still dealing with downed trees and other damage. I was upset to learn that even though my cousins, aunts and uncles all live close to each other, some have never been to each other’s homes. This in a community that was once so close to each other it made my heart swell. I realize life goes on and we all get busy — I’m guilty myself of losing touch — but in a time of crisis, I would hope some of my family would come to my aide. My wish is that my family, like the rest of the world, can see past differences, stay connected, and at the very least, pray for each other when someone is sick or needs help.

The news was not all bad however. Cousins and their husbands were helping clear debris, feeding the family of my sick uncle, and watching their children. One of my cousins gave us a place to stay and cooked for us the entire time we were there. I was able to see many of my cousins that we don’t get to see due to the distance we are from each other and I left feeling much better than when I visited a few years ago.

We lost the “glue” that held our family together when my grandparents died. I’m praying this crisis brings my family much closer and I will stay in touch better myself after seeing the damage that has destroyed some of my family’s relationships. I welcome prayers for my uncle as well as he struggles to regain his health and I pray he gets to go home from the hospital soon. I had to come back to Texas without having seen him except for when he was unconscious. He is thankfully on the mend now and for that I am so grateful!

Thanks to Harper Thorpe and Kathy Jacobs and the entire Chalkboard team!



Kim Smyth

Freelance writer/blogger, editor-creator of Twisted Trunk Travels-my new travel blog.