Not a Clue

Kim Smyth
Published in
1 min readSep 10, 2020

One-Line poem on this prompt by Harper Thorpe

Photo credit: Pinterest

Surprise party, not a clue
Planned by others, just for you
All your friends/relatives show
Tears of joy/embarrassment flow
Pre-bash drink has taken effect
Explains why you’re a wreck

For my 50th, my hubby and friends planned the best surprise birthday bash ever. Most of the night, I was overcome with emotions and tequila, but I will never forget it. It was very uncharacteristic of my husband and much appreciated! I wonder what my 60th will bring!! Ha!

PS: I wanted, but could not find, an actual picture from my party. Oh Well, maybe later on sometime. ;)




Kim Smyth

Freelance writer/blogger, editor-creator of Twisted Trunk Travels-my new travel blog.