Sestina Synthetica update 15 April

Tamyka Bell
Published in
2 min readApr 14, 2017

We’re halfway through the month (in Australia, anyway) so Happy Easter to those of you who celebrate, cheery greetings to everyone else, and here’s what’s happening

The first team has finished!

It’s not a competition, but I am delighted that we now have a completed sestina up for everyone to see. I’ve featured it at the top of the Sestina Synthetica page.

Sestina master Elizabeth Helmich wrote her closing lines, and decided to change the title and image for this poem to better match the tale they’d uncovered through the act of writing. So now, I introduce Kismet Grove, the sestina formerly known as “Borrow”.

(Poets, you’re welcome to change your link text in your original pieces to reflect this new title, or leave it as it is—that’s up to you.)

Congratulations to TeriJo, Cynthia Duffy, Godking Heath Houston, Hannah S., Dewi, Indira Reddy and sestina master Elizabeth Helmich on your masterful creation.

Others will soon be finished

Insider information tells me that Vince has drafted his poem and is awaiting publication, so that just leaves the envoi by Tamyka Bell (me!) before “Pause” (working title) is finished.

Renae Tobias’s project, “Fire” (working title), is up to Wendi Adair now that Rachel B. Baxter’s stanza has been published, and Yaasky is waiting on Janet Rhodes for the next stanza of “Finish” (working title.) I’m really excited to see what our next stanzas look at, and where these poems go next!

That leaves us with a big question

Does anyone want to play again? Post below if you’re interested. I know Elizabeth Helmich is!

No, wait, scrap that. Sign up here instead:

Check back soon

It’s wonderful watching these sestet poems transformed into a sestina, so please check back soon to see what’s happening, and if you haven’t had a go, consider signing up.

With thanks to all participants:
TeriJo, Cynthia Duffy, Godking Heath Houston, Hannah S., Dewi, Indira Reddy, Elizabeth Helmich, Kathy Jacobs, Rachel B. Baxter, Wendi Adair, Jack Preston King, Raymond Arroyo, Renae Tobias, Tasneem Kagalwalla, Kristofer Mac Cormaic, Kunal Duggal, BHD, Alexainie, Vince, Tamyka Bell, Emily Roberts, Janet Rhodes, Kathleen Clarke Anderson, Michael Stalcup, marika bianca, Yaasky…and yell if I missed someone, please.



Tamyka Bell

writes. runs. drinks coffee. doesn’t go in for that whole sleep thing