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Sestina Synthetica Round Two

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I love that you guys are loving this enough to want to kick on for round two. I’ve created a new sign-up form just because it makes my life easier:

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Heart Strings

sestina synthetica by Dewi, Emily Roberts, Janet Rhodes, Kathleen Clarke Anderson, Michael Stalcup, marika bianca, and sestina master Yaasky

Heavenly Fire

sestina synthetica by Tamyka Bell, Kathy Jacobs, Rachel B. Baxter, Wendi Adair, Jack Preston King, Raymond Arroyo, and sestina master Renae Tobias

Slow Burn

sestina synthetica by Tasneem Kagalwalla, Kristofer Mac Cormaic, Kunal Duggal, BHD, Alexainie, Vince, and sestina master Tamyka Bell