How Poor Physical Health Stunts Your Success (Part 2)

A personal story from a lifelong (elite) athlete.

Zackary Henson
Change Becomes You


Photo by Alora Griffiths on Unsplash

Two weeks ago I posted part one of this series of articles.

Head back there to catch up.

Now, where do you stand?

In it, I marked the importance of how we treat the body affects the rest of our lives. To me, it can mean the difference between living intentionally and living intentionally and efficiently.

Life without tending to biological needs is like climbing but with a ball and chain on each ankle.

It’s amazing how much we expect out of ourselves when we’re working with a brain and body struggling to run at only 50%(if we’re lucky).

Before the human animal was aware of its cognitive ability and creating visions of the future, our brains and bodies had to work well in order to survive. Today, we live with the same body and brain. With the same capability…if only we do what we need to optimize it.

Except somewhere along the way we were bamboozled by human industry and greed. We made foods and products and conveniences that destroy our chances of being our best.

Fucking humans man…

