7 Quotes By Buddha That Will Change The Way You Think

These quotes will open your mind.

Suzan Dalia
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels

Siddartha Gautama, known as Buddha was one of the greatest ancient philosophers who was born in lived in India around the sixth century B.C.

He founded Buddhism more than 2,500 years ago and millions are still following his religion today because his message is profound to this day.

In a world of influencers on social media, he is, without doubt, one of the greatest influencers of all time along with other important figures.

His message is still shared around the world because he was ahead of his time. He shared his wisdom which made us think about our life.

Many people have no idea how to relax and reflect on their own life because they’re busy with school and work but life is meant to be simple.

If the whole world applied to Buddha’s teaching, we would live in peaceful harmony with each other and be full of compassion for one another.

I will share seven quotes by him that will change the way you think if you apply them wisely.

Here are some of them.

“Holding onto anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.”

