7 Signs You Are More Intuitive Than You Think

Unlock the Hidden Power within.

Katarzyna Portka
Change Your Mind Change Your Life


Photo by Bruno Salvadori on pexels.com

In a world dominated by logic and reason, the subtle art of intuition often takes a backseat.

Yet, for those with a heightened sense of intuition, it is a superpower that guides them through life’s twists and turns.

Intuition goes beyond mere gut feelings. It is an innate ability to tap into a well of knowledge that isn’t always apparent on the surface.

Here are seven signs that indicate you have nailed the art of following your intuition.

You can sense the energy.

One of the most telling signs of heightened intuition is a sensitivity to energy.

Intuitive people are acutely attuned to the vibes and auras around them. If you walk into a room and sense the mood without any visible cues, or if you feel the energy shift when someone enters your space, you might be more intuitive than you realize.

Your intuition is a radar of frequencies invisible to the naked eye.

Pay attention to how environments affect your mood and energy levels. Intuitive people are like emotional sponges. They absorb the essence of their surroundings. A serene and positive atmosphere lifts your spirits, while a chaotic space…



Katarzyna Portka
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

Hungry for advice? I am here for you. I write about small habits that lead to monumental changes.